Page 45 - WLMIG_6132004.indd
P. 45

(Dimitri) “Not everything is clear in religions. They divide.”
(Swami) “All religions were wrien for the time when people were primitive so they were expounded in the language and concepts of that period. A blind belief and miracles were required. Look at Moses, who was taking Jews from Egypt, showing miracles. Each era requires its forum. Temples were constructed, but the real temple must be in one’s heart. You did not want to read books about me, but you studied mathematics: first 2 x 2, then further, then physics. From the simple to the complex, all knowledge is held up by the highest knowledge that is God. Gradually one goes from intellect to spirituality; one needs intellect to live in this world. You started reading about me for the sake of your friend. Your friend is my channel. He brought you here and did it selflessly.
“Do not worry about material things. Just imagine man’s life on a cosmic scale lasting only one-hundredth part of a second. What difference does it make where you live, in a palace or in a hut?”
(Dimitri) “Where can I find strength?”
(Swami) “If you have spiritual strength, then physical strength is not important. Your program was to go swimming in the sea. \[This is exactly what Alexander and Dimitri were going to do later, spend three days at the coast for swimming.\] Go, or you will be sorry. One must do everything sincerely. Nothing should be done under compulsion. You have a good intellect, and it’s not necessary for you to stay here long. You have to decide.”
(Dimitri) “How shall I live now? Maybe I should become a monk or work out an algorithm for my future actions.”
(Swami) “If you put bread into the mouth of a hungry man, then he’ll never learn to earn it himself. One cannot work an algorithm for the whole of one’s future. That is why you’re given choices in your life. I give you a trial and watch what choices you will make. On that depends whether you pass your test or not. If there were no choices, you would be slaves, and I don’t need slaves. You should find a spiritual path by yourself. Everything depends on you. You should not expect any gratitude for whatever you give.”

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