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no longer able to work and had to undergo back surgery. He came to me with complaints of severe depression.
James gallantly tried to gain back his health through disciplined exercise. However, walking was painful, and he soon gave up. He became very depressed by his worsening physical state. He took to his bed and had difficulty leaving his apartment. Prior to his illness, he had a very strong spiritual life. This inner feeling of peace le when he became depressed.
Of course, most of us would be saddened by the loss of job, physical health, and financial security. Even with counseling and psychiatric medications, his condition worsened. I wondered if there were other factors causing this depression.
With deeper inquiry, we found that the strain of the above problems had caused hidden conflicts to rise to consciousness and aggravate his depression. James’ psychological defenses had weakened, and previously walled-off pain from early childhood abuse had broken through.
In addition to struggling with his physical illnesses, James now had to confront fears and vulnerabilities from his past. Repressed memories about the conflicted relationship with his alcoholic father became conscious and increased his distress. He remembered being locked out of his house at age six because he had wet his bed and his father humiliated him by showing his friends the wet sheets.
This kind of abuse by his father caused great psychological pain and deep feelings of vulnerability. As these early memories and feelings broke through, James’ condition worsened, and he developed panic aacks. Even with psychological support and antidepressant medication, his condition worsened. Why?
We then became aware of his even more deeply repressed anguish. Memories of severely hurting one of

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