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good, very good, very good. As you identify Swami with this physical frame, it appears as though Swami is not well. Do not identify me with this physical body. I’m not the body, I am the Indweller... I can do whatever I want. But those who go by the physical form think that Swami is aging. Youth and old age are related to the body and not to me. I am always the same. I can do anything. However, this body is yours. This has come for your sake. You can change it the way you like. If you think that Swami is strong and healthy, so he is. There is no weakness in me. My limbs may appear to be weak, but I am not the embodiment of my limbs, I am the embodiment of Atma. Worship God as the embodiment of Atma. Do not identify Him with a form.
(SSB, Sanathana Sarathi, November 2003)
Swami says that he is demonstrating by way of his hip problem, how to give up body aachment. He encourages us to rise above body aachment in order to experience Atma.
It is a grave mistake to identify yourself with the body. Give up body aachment and develop Atmic consciousness. Only then will you understand and experience your true form, the Atma. Otherwise, even the smallest physical ailments like stomachache, headache, etc., will cause anxiety and suffering to you. (SSB, Sanathana Sarathi, November 2003)
On first glance, it seems quite natural to identify ourselves with our body. In fact it seems foolish to tell someone that he is really not his body. For instance, if you are having tea with a friend and tell him that he is not the one siing across from you or the one drinking tea, your friend will think that you are out of your mind. But on deeper consideration, this seeming absurdity may actually be the truth. For if we define the truth as that which is constant and unchanging in every situation, then identifying ourselves with the physical body which is

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