Page 20 - Frontiers of the Universe
P. 20

Weizmann researchers are the principal designers of ULTRASAT,
a small satellite destined to position Israel as a world leader in scientific space missions. This is the first project of the Weizmann Institute Space Program, and will be the center’s focus until ULTRASAT launches in 2024. A program office is coordinating the effort with key players from the Israeli, German, and US aerospace industries.
F rom its unique perspective, ULTRASAT will gather the data needed to answer astrophysics’ most
pressing questions: How do neutron stars merge and emit gravitational waves? How do supermassive black holes rule their neighborhoods? How do stars explode? What is the source of the Universe’s heavy elements? What are the stellar conditions that promote habitable planets? ULTRASAT’s
unique attribute is that it will stream data in real time to ground-based observatories, alerting research teams all over the world to signi cant celestial events, which they will be able to track as they unfold.
ULTRASAT is expected to be the  rst of many scienti c space missions directed by Weizmann Institute researchers.
Its key science partner is Deutsches Elektronen-Sychrotoron (DESY) in Germany. It agency partners include NASA and the Israel Space Agency, and potentially others. Its industry partners include Israel Aerospace Industries, Elbit Systems and its subsidiary Elop, and Tower Jazz. When it launches in 2024, ULTRASAT will be Israel’s  rst Earth- orbiting satellite designed to look up at the sky and destined to revolutionize our understanding of the Universe.

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