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                    SOLD IN 77 DAYS OR IT'S FREE                          "PROVEN RESULTS" 25 POINT
                    PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE                                 MARKETING SYSTEM

                    If a performance guarantee is important to you – we have   Every Listing accepted by Buildworth is promoted using
                    the Program to please. Subject to, and following required   our proven 25 Point Marketing System. Leveraging both
                    inspections and repairs, we will guarantee that if we don’t   online and offline marketing strategies we can confidently
                    sell your home within 77 days, that we will sell it for FREE.  promise effective and timely results. Review our Marketing
                                                                          System Guide for further details.
                    "BUYNOW" CASH OFFER                                   CERTIFIED PRE-OWNED HOME
                    PROGRAM                                               PROGRAM

                    If you own, or are the Executor or Trustee of a property in
                    poor condition or that needs to sell quickly, we can help by   Just like automobiles, a Certified Pre-Owned Home can
                    providing a BuyNow Cash Offer for any residential or small   sell for the most money, in the least time. Ask about
                    commercial property. Plus, every property listed for sale with   having your home designated as a Buildworth Certified
                    Buildworth also comes with a standing BuyNow Cash Offer   Pre-Owned Home to achieve peak profits and a quick sale.
                    that can be accepted at any time during the listing period.
                                                                          PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
                    SELLER FEEDBACK                                       SERVICES
                                                                          While selling your property may be unavoidable, often
                                                                          time renting your property for long-term wealth building
                    While you are an active Buildworth Client we promise to
                    personally communicate by phone with you at least once   and monthly income is financially more profitable. Should
                    a week with updates on your business with us. If we fail to   you decide with one of your Gent Advisors that renting
                    contact you any given week as promised, we will pay you   your property is preferred, we can professionally manage
                    $500.00 from our commissions at Closing.              the entire process for nominal fees.

                    SELL IT YOURSELF - PAY US                             MARKET-READY SHORT TERM
                    NOTHING                                               LOAN PROGRAM

                                                                          Selling a market ready home in good condition is essential
                    At Buildworth we believe that sale commissions should only
                    be paid if we are responsible for selling your property. So, if you   to attract the highest Offers. If you home needs minor
                    find the Buyer for your property yourself, you pay us NO FEES   repairs or updates to dramatically improve its Listing Price
                    following the sale. All we ask is that you use our Yard Signs   we can help with a short-term repair loan, with repayment
                    exclusively and allow only us to list your home on the MLS.  due at Closing from the sales proceeds.
                    NO RISK - CANCEL ANYTIME                              ACTIVE BROKER / OWNER &
                    LISTING AGREEMENT                                     FULL-TIME AGENT ADVISORS
                                                                          Fact is, the majority of Real Estate Agencies are franchise
                    Unlike most Brokers who demand a 6-month Listing
                    Agreement, you may cancel any Buildworth Listing      owned and vary in the degree of active Broker Management.
                    Agreement at any time, for any reason. As consumers   Plus, many are packed full of part-time or seasonal “Agents”.
                    ourselves, we feel that Clients deserve the right to control   At Buildworth all our Agents are full-timers, plus our
                    who is selling their home at all times.               Broker is active in our day-to-day operations and always
                                                                          available to Clients.

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