Page 21 - Zone Magazine Issue 018
P. 21

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Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
When I first started making music I set myself a goal. that was to get a number one within two years. My first release went straight to number one, so that was fine I suppose, took less than a month. Just lucky I suppose, I had some great remixes on that E.P. from Husky and 90s heavy weights k-klass, so it gave the E.P. a massive boost. I suppose my next aim is to get a track signed with Defected, that would be nice. I'm just searching for the right sound at the moment and at last I think I've found the right style that expresses who I am. Old school top lines, big room elements and disco strings, are what I'm all about right now.
Favorite track of all time?
This question should be banned! It's so hard to pick a favorite all time track, there are just so many different genres and styles from different songs that have influenced me over the years. But right now if I had to, like really had to, S.L.D. - Getting Out. Big vocal, uplifting chords and that old school rawness to it, super track.
When's your next release out and on what label?
My next release is due out this winter sometime on Blockhead recordings, no date as yet. Entitled "Too close to cut it", and actually has some huge remixes on board from the Mega Risk Assessment, also the mega talented Sebb Junior, and Lucas Keizer. It'll be my biggest release and E.P. to date, and I've a feeling it's going to make some noise about the charts!!
Do you feel the scene has changed much
since you started?
In terms of clubbing and venues, absolutely. As social media hit the scene it's began to wipe out good DJ's, and replacing them with mediocre ones with a huge friends list on facebook. Promoters will do anything to make a quick buck these days, I've seen and heard it all. Asking DJ's to play, but you have to bring 20 of your friends with you, or sell 50 tickets. This makes me so angry. you are a promoter, this is your job not the DJ's, by all means the DJ should do some sharing of the event and flyers etc., but by no means have to sell tickets or be told this is a no fee gig. Very few promoters that will book supporting acts people based on their ability and skill as a DJ alone. 15 years ago, that's what it was solely about. We need to take it back to these principles.
If you could play one place where would it be and why?
Without doubt Kappa Future Festival. The size of this arena is just enormous. Can't image the sensations and adrenaline you'd get from dropping one of your own tracks in front of thousands of people. One day I'll get there, if I stay focused and continue progressing like I have, I don't see why not.
Hard working, educated and loyal to his craft Mr Tuohy is Definitely a name to look out for in the future!
Connect: Words By Emma McGrath

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