Page 129 - The Letter By Ann Newhouse
P. 129

The rest of the evening was a blur. We fell asleep in each other’s arms comforting one another.
I awoke to the sound of the cockerel crowing and the rain dancing on the window. I had a creak in my neck from the way I’d slept on the sofa. Rex was half on half off the sofa beside me a pillow over his head to block out the sounds of the nearby farm that I had become so accustomed to. I could hear farmer Will whistling loudly as he drove his cattle to pasture. Stretching I slipped away quietly to brew some coffee. My mouth felt like a sand pit it felt so dry. I must have drunk too much last night I could feel the nausea rising from the pit of my stomach again. I sipped my coffee slowly soothing my raspy throat when Rex stirred.
‘Good morning darling’, he stood up and stretched to his full height, ‘I ache all over I’m getting too old for sleeping on sofas’.
He reached for a cup giving me a kiss on my cheek, ‘you okay?’ he asked concerned, ‘you look very pale’.
I nodded and told him to start breakfast while I showered. I reached the bathroom just in time to throw up I would definitely have to go to the doctor after the weekend. That Monday I started my first beginner’s class there were nine girls and two boys in all.

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