Page 132 - The Letter By Ann Newhouse
P. 132

I wanted to take her away from him, be there and make sure she was ok, but I knew that all I could do was wait until she decided to leave herself she knew I was here for her when she needed me.
Christmas was wonderful we ate, drank, laughed and lazed around for three days we felt like a family, it was such a great feeling to be so encompassed by these people I cared about so much. Rex and I were growing closer every day and had thankfully recommenced our intimacy.
Soon Penny, Paul and Seki had to return to the Penny Lane to resume business. Paul and Seki seemed to have found peace in their marriage and were finally acting like the newlyweds they were. Seki informed her family of her marriage through a solicitor from Scotland to enable them to keep their whereabouts secret until they were ready. There had been no reply as yet.
I’m still not feeling hundred percent and the nausea was on and off all Christmas, So, I finally made an appointment to see the doctor in the New Year.
In a couple of months Rex would celebrate his 25th birthday. He would inherit his father estate then. This would include the old barn in the village and a hefty sum in a bank account. He had written to his grandparents to let them know of what he learned about his father, his death and the inheritance. They replied rapidly and strongly advised him to sell it all and move back to them. He refused point blank. He told them about me and said he had decided to settle here. He even invited them to come over for a visit they could stay in Penny’s place.

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