Page 46 - Zone Magazine Issue 017
P. 46

First of all, I wanted to dive straight in and ask you about your globe-trotting lifestyle. I know that you regularly go between the UK, South Africa and Florida in the US, where does Pete call ‘Home’ and for somebody who relocates as much as you do what makes it Home ?
I really have 2 homes now, London and Tampa. I miss these places if I’m away for too long, the people more than the actual place of course, and I suppose if anything, London is more about family and Tampa is more about where I can relax and work on music.
We have known each other for many years and you’re a regular to these Irish shores, can you tell me from your perspective how the dance scene has changed during this time ?
Hmm, maybe only coming over every couple of years doesn’t give me enough of a view on it, but Ireland has always just been a bit different from everywhere else in the world. I love that it’s all about the fun and much less about the VIP crap. I think it will always have that magic, again, it’s all about the people, a lot of them are nutters, in the best way possible. That being said, maybe things haven’t moved on in Dublin the same way as other big cities, it’s become more of a ‘destination’ in recent times, and I may be doing some promoters an injustice here, but there could be a bit more focus on the present and not the past. I have nothing against playing old classics, even my own ha ha, it’s what shaped us, but living in it is not particularly healthy for the ‘scene’.
Being part of the modern digital release platform
there is an expectation for artists to release very consistently and sometimes at the expense of quantity over quality. Is this something that you consider?
No. I did, I was advised by my old distributor, and managers in the past, that it has to be 1 release a month min, but being a bit of a one man band, and control freak, that was never going to be possible. Plus I’m all over the place with gigs, so I tend to write when I have a couple weeks off, and that might not fit into the aforementioned preferred timescale. Overall I try to put out at least 7 or 8 releases a year, I should probably just do what a lot of other labels do, and keep regurgitating stuff as it’s missed by so many people first time round.
Like many artists your sound is evolving and developing, what would you say is your current direction?
This has always been a hard question to answer, because it’s a bit like trying to describe a mood or distant feeling. I love to dance, so it has to make me do that, and at my age it’s also about the bpm ha ha, so I like to keep it around the 120 mark. Re the vibe, well I like to think I’m influenced by the 80s, the psychedelic druggy indie sound, and the fresh more jacking crispness of some current productions. Does that help?
Let's talk studios and production, can you share with us any of your favoured software, hardware and tips / tricks you use to create your sound?
Not really, it’s a bit boring all that isn’t it? Well, talking about it at least.

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