Page 25 - Zone Magazine Issue 012
P. 25

" Before I go on the decks I’m nervous, have a churning in my stomach, I have to take a few deep breaths, but once I get on the decks something takes over. It’s where I’m at home and happiest. The nerves are good because it means I care, the day I don’t care is the day I hang up my headphones. "
As far as flourishing female artists go, Orla has certainly earned her status as being one of the world's leading trance ladies in the scene. Having made a noticeable impact to date and on the rise, boasting releases on labels such as Jordan Suckley's 'Damaged' label and 'Vandit' motored by none other than trance legend Paul Van Dyk. She's been all over, and recently indulged in a trip to L.A, spending considerable time working in the studio and gigging nationally and internationally. I was lucky enough to catch her for an exclusive interview. Here's her story!
I remember the very first time I saw you perform, back in 2011 at Joyfest in Fusion Nightclub, Drogheda, thinking you were pretty amazing at that time, and five years on, how would you compare your career now to then?
Of course being all the more amazing and inspiring, how do you rate yourself in the music business. You’re known globally and your success stands to you so don’t be modest, you’ve worked hard to get to where you are and you should indeed be very proud of yourself.
How would I compare it, I never thought I’d be headlining Joyfest 5 years ago let alone where I am now, it’s a very tough industry and everyone works hard so to still be in the game now I feel very fortunate and hopefully you ask me the same question in 5 years time.
Is music always something you always had a passion for, and was djing something you had always considered doing? How do you view it now, as a career or as a hobby?
Music has always been a love from a very young age, there used to be parties in my Nanny’s house, full bands would play in her front room I would sneak out of bed and sit beside the double bass till I was caught and put back to bed, the love of bass was there from a very young age. I come from two families who were involved in music.
I began lessons in Irish dancing at the age of 4, I’m a world champion in Irish dancing, so rhythm and timing was ingrained at a young age, in some of my releases I have actually danced out the percussion, more work but more fun than cutting up VEC loops.
Was DJ’ing something I always considered doing ?
Not at the beginning, there is a story to that but I’ve told it before. After school I studied media. I worked in radio stations in production/ sound imaging and as on air presenter and voice over artist then I discovered trance and that was it, I had been bitten by the bug.
ha) I wanted to know and learn more so I went back to school and studied sound engineering, DJ techniques and music technology. I had no plan, I went with what I was interested and passionate about.
What formed the foundations of your career? How did your first big break come about?
There are a few factors in that.
First and foremost is not giving up and hard work. One of my first memories is Fergie’s mother, she ran a group called mixed in key in the North of Ireland, I had got in touch with her and she gave me advise and helped get me my first big gig at the Elephant Rooms in Belfast with Mark Sherry which lead to playing at Planet Love.
Where did you grow up?
Confey, Leixlip Co. Kildare
What were you like in school?
As good as gold! My high school was at the bottom of my street a 3 min walk, yet for the whole of 5th year, always missed 8.50am tutorials ..... It’s an extra 10 mins in bed. (My mother may read this so that’s all I will divulge)
What was the first rave you ever went to?
Mauro Picotto at the Temple Theatre, Dublin, I wouldn’t be a DJ without having gone to that gig.
Do you remember how it made you feel?
Lost, amazed, in awe, part of something special. I want/need to be more a part of this. That feeling is why I’m now a DJ and music producer .... it changed my life.
Who’s your best friend in the business, someone you can always rely on for support and who’s barrels of fun and excitement?
Not going to name drop, but I consider myself very lucky to have met extraordinary, special people through music who have become not just my friends but my family.
Who’s been your primary form of support in your life since Day 1? Any special mentions? My grandmother, mother, father and brother first and foremost. In commercial radio in Ireland
I worked in a few radio stations and even after I left to pursue a career in DJ’ing they never forgot me and continued to give their time, a special mention has to go to my comrades at Spin 1038 In Ireland and especially to Steve K (The VO king), Mark Kavanagh, Mr. Spring, Brian Taffee, John Gibbons. Paul van Dyk and Alexa Gerth picked me up 7 years ago and have made me part of Paul van Dyk’s VANDIT family ever since, I don’t even have words to explain how that feels.
What inspires you in your daily life?
There’s good days and bad days, what helps me is exercise - Hot Yoga I love it.
What/Who influences you in general?
I can’t pin point that, it’s ever changing.
Speak about your discography, collaborations, best to date, labels, and remixes. How demanding is this, and what do you like to do when you’re not working on your music?
It’s extremely demanding, It’s all in and it is very challenging. When it takes it’s toll I take time, go to yoga, netflix and chill, recharge and then I go again.
What would be your all time favourite tune?
The impossible question, it’s like asking a mother which or her children she loves the most!
One that never fails you, one you might drop in a set on a regular basis?
Cant give that a definite answer, depends on the audience.
How do you feel when you’re on stage?
Before I go on the decks I’m nervous, have a churning in my stomach, I have to take a few deep breaths, but once I get on the decks something takes over. It’s where I’m at home and happiest. The nerves are good because it means I care, the day I don’t care is the day I hang up my headphones.
What piece of advice might you give to aspiring artists feeling the struggle, and battling the temptation of throwing in the towel?
I’ve given up and been ready to throw in the towel so many times, but I could never bring myself to really give it up, so if you try to walk away and it keeps drawing you back then you know you have to keep trying. A good friend of mine told me recently ‘Music chooses you, you don’t choose music’
How was your trip to L.A? What boxes are left to tick off? Are you an ambitious person?
Amazing I love LA, I made great new friends, walking for over 2 hours on the beach to Santa Monica pier, it was bliss. I don’t tick off boxes, I take each day as it comes. I want to play and make music, and I am constantly working on improving my abilities, so I think yes that makes me ambitious.
Plans for the future?
I’ll worry about today and tomorrow will look after itself.
Connect: OrlaFeeneyMusic
Words By Emma Harper
While working in radio stations in production
(making really annoying radio adverts - not sorry __________________________________________________________________________________
Pic By Ralph McKeon photography

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