Page 163 - Protec PR Book Volume 2
P. 163

  The highlight of the end of season was “a spectacular success in the form of the Dubai edition of Unite with Tomorrowland (featured picture) for which Protec delivered the entire scenic and staging, lighting, audio, video, rigging and backline”, the company said.
Undoubtedly, this year has been quite special for Protec. The company hasn’t experienced what normally is a quiet summer, but instead, has turned out to be a very busy one with Protec delivering events non-stop across the Middle East, Africa and the Far East.
Protec already owns one of the world’s largest event rental stocks and yet it has invested heavily in new technology and equipment over a busy season in 2017.
Items in the stock list include the latest equipment in lighting, video, audio, rigging and trussing, scenic and staging, automation and SFX, conference equipment, robotics and motion tracking.
Protec CEO Stephen Lakin has said he is positive that the new investments will encourage the events designed in the region to take it up a notch or three.
Lakin is positive that the new investments will encourage the events designed in the region to take it up a notch or three.
“We’ve recently invested in Notch, an exciting video graphics tool that has been designed to ease the process for interactive content and live visual effects,” Peter Jones, Protec’s special projects HOD, explained.
Jones continued: “It’s a great visual effects engine for live events and what I also like about it is the fact that it integrates into all our existing systems like BlackTrax and our d3 servers for instance. From the way the events are being designed these days in the Middle East, I’m fairly sure we are going to be using this system a lot.”

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