Page 171 - Protec PR Book Volume 2
P. 171

           Protec invests in future with new appointments and tech investments
Protec, the Dubai-headquartered company that is marking its 18 year of business, has invested heavily in new technology, equipment, and staff The company, which owns large quantities of rental stock, including lighting, video, audio, rigging and trussing, scenic and staging, automation and SFX, conference equipment, robotics and motion tracking, has made significant investments in its lighting, audio and video capabilities.
Peter Jones, head of special projects at Protec (http://, said: “We’ve recently invested in Notch – another exciting video graphics tool that has been designed to ease the process for interactive content and live visual effects. It’s a great visual effects engine for live events and what I also like about it is the fact that it integrates into all our existing systems like BlackTrax and our d3 servers for instance. From the way the events are being designed these days in the Middle East, I’m fairly sure we are going to be using this system a lot.”
Another interesting system that’s been added to Protec’s range of items is Bottoms Up, a draft beer dispensing system. Jones added: “The popularity of our robots has shot through the roof over the last year and having anticipated this trend we increased our stock, which was a good move as we found out. While our robots have been used in many ways, I’ve found that the most popular is the bar service. So we have invested in a clever system called Bottoms Up, which measures drinks portions with superb accuracy. What also helps is that it is very quick and there is no spillage.
This is really going to help when we have larger numbers of guests lining up to get a drink from our robobars.”

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