Page 183 - Protec PR Book Volume 2
P. 183

  with the lights, and also Prime Vision to achieve a good colour balance for the camera feeds that would show the Dubai show to be displayed across all of the other UNITE countries.”
Protec turned to its tried and tested L-Acoustics K2 system for the show audio, with 14 elements per side on the main stage and 10 per side for delays. The company deployed 24 SB28 subwoofers to reinforce the low end, with KARA added for infill and 4 SB18 subs stacked with more KARA for DJ monitors. The system was driven by 13 racks of LA8 amplifiers, with 2 DiGiCo SD11’s for FOH control. This setup was approved by Backbone, the technical team for the main Tomorrowland event in Belgium.
Head of Department, Edward Ross, explained one of the major venue-specific challenges: “With a maximum weight load available we had to
reduce how much PA we hung, and ended up with the bare minimum required to cover the venue; however, we were able to produce the show correctly with what we had.”
For the show itself Protec also provided 5-way wireless and 8-way comms, with site-wide communication handled from Motorola radios. Summing up, Bates said Protec’s lighting department had overcome all challenges; notably that the venue was only a semi-permanent structure, meaning that great care needed to be taken with regard to weight loading and distribution in the roof of the venue.
“Secondly, the most time consuming part of the rig for lighting in particular was finding a way to attach the lights to the set in a way that was safe,” she said. “The lights had to be far away enough from the set fascia to avoid any potential dangers from the heat. It also had to be tidy so the fixtures looked like a cohesive part of the set
and symmetrical so the set looked as photogenic as possible.”
Bates concluded: “Despite these challenges, the show went incredibly well from both a lighting, and an overall Protec perspective. I believe that both the production managers from Backbone as well as the promoters at Envie Events were incredibly happy with both the collaboration between production and the Protec lighting team, as well as the end result, and we were well supported, particularly by Markus from MA Lighting when it came to the complexities of desk synchronisation.”
Aggreko Middle East Events Services has worked and consulted with the owners of Festival CIty Arena – Intercontinental Hotels Group (IHG) – to provide temperature control and power solutions for all of its events since the construction of the temporary structure. The company was approached

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