Page 22 - Protec PR Book Volume 2
P. 22

                            Protec Begins Operations In Birmingham
As New Year announcements in the events industry go, one that will certainly shake things up in the UK and Europe is Protec’s latest statement. Having established itself as a global powerhouse in staging and event technology services, the Dubai headquartered company is now strengthening its presence in the UK with its acquisition of Birmingham based Aventeq Ltd.
With this agreement, Aventeq – which takes on Protec’s brand identity will now be known as PROTEC EUROPEAN EVENTS and will have access to a much larger palette of event production resources, including state of the art technology, equipment & highly skilled staff. It will be in a stronger position to extend its services to a larger client base and offer a more comprehensive and creative approach to its technical productions. The joining of these two companies delivers on Protec’s vision of inspiring the entire events industry with extraordinary and impactful experiences through its technical expertise and deliveries.

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