Page 44 - Protec PR Book Volume 2
P. 44

                       Protec European Events Announced “AV Production, Staging, and Rental Company of the Year”
rotec’s reputation for its client-centered and comprehensive approach
to delivering memorable and innovative events has earned its team the AV award for
“AV Production, Staging, and
Rental Company of the Year”
given by AV Magazine at the
awards ceremony in London,
September 28. With a large,
state-of-the-art inventory, and
access to the Protec group’s vast
global resources and skillset,
Protec European Events has
cemented its status as a consistently reliable technical production company that is well placed to take any event to the next level.
Having the client at the center pushes Protec to constantly evaluate trends in the market and raise the bar creatively to meet growing technological demands. With a growing demand among clients for show stopping event technology, Protec looks for innovative solutions to push past the boundaries of what has been done before and create memorable events.
One such innovation that has attracted a lot of attention is Protec’s use of robotics. Protec had the vision to take something usually seen in the manufacturing industry and adapt it to do something completely different. The company says “this kind of creative thinking sets the Protec team apart.”
“We believe they offer a great ROI and unique selling point for us and our clients. Our engineers can integrate them with various departments and program them to do the most imaginative things. We know that they make our clients’ events more distinct, engage an audience and start conversations. They exponentially grow the clients’ profile among guests who are always quick to whip out their smartphones leading to more publicity and enhancing the perception of the brand. We’re often asked by clients what we can do differently, and this is certainly unique,” shares Chris Bramwell, director.
As well as creating social media hype and drawing people in, this technology offers unique AV integration capabilities as witnessed at the Protec Open Day earlier this year. Protec’s video department delivered video content in a three dimensional way previously not possible with motors and truss. Guests were caught holding their breath as the screens pulsed in and out touching with pinpoint accuracy. These robots have been seen operating as bartenders at festivals, exhibitions ,and exclusive events, drawing almost anything in front of live audiences and interacting on stage with dancers. Protec welcomes the client coming up with creative new ways to use this technology and have a team of robotics experts to work alongside their clients and find a bespoke solution to bring their idea to life.
Protec is not just about robotics, it offer its clients a comprehensive suite of services including creative and technical design, advanced technology, lighting, audio, video, staging and rigging, digital media solutions, backline, conference support, exhibition support, and venue support services. Innovation is visible in everything they do. Popular with its clients is the bespoke “digital auction” platform developed in-house -- guests enjoy the interactive bidding and use of apps and games.
Having proudly earned the ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2015 Protec show it is dedicated to quality and reliability. Regular training and staff investment along with investing in the latest brand name technology ensures they are always thinking of the future and deliver a consistent, reliable service.
 Protec European Events was named the 2018 “AV Production, Staging, and Rental Company of the Year”by AV Magazine

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