Page 76 - Protec PR Book Volume 2
P. 76

           Protec deliver for IDEX opening show
Protec (, the event production company, engaged for the third consecutive time, has delivered the opening ceremony production for IDEX ( (International Defence Exhibition and Conference) in Abu Dhabi.
The show had a mix of local heritage performances, local and international military parades and the main part of the show which was a battle enactment of a fictitious scenario where an elite military group representing the Land Forces, Special Forces, Navy and Air Force liberate ”a war torn nation in the mountains” from militia control. The enactment featured air drops, low passing jet fly-bys, helicopters and naval support, firefights, fast moving pursuits involving tanks and armoured vehicles in challenging surroundings, a fully working and custom built train and submarine as well as full movie grade special effects (including high grade vehicle hits, land fireballs and debris explosions, rock falls, bullet hits,
water explosions, etc), culminating in the “successful liberation of the mountain village”. The show ran for five days and Protec delivered the dedicated staging set.

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