Page 82 - Protec PR Book Volume 2
P. 82

The stage management team were mobile across the entire site, which included large metal structures and tanks in a high noise environment, so using digital radios with isolated headsets ensured that there were no signal dropouts and every cue was heard. The sound effects and music all came from Apple Mac laptops running QLab and Dante straight into the DiGiCo SD-rack.”
When asked about the process of creating
a show like this, Andradé said: “This is a unique show. It’s not as simple as delivering an action movie-styled show because it also has to be realistic in the sense that it’s a military show demonstration. It needed to involve military procedures and methods, especially considering the fact that some very senior military personnel visiting from across the globe watch this show. At the end of the day, this is not just about delivering what we want but delivering what the client requires and expects, albeit with strong creative input from us. This calls for some serious research and coordination.
“I do admit that, having done this show twice before in 2013 and 2015, the experience and knowledge gained also helped. From a creative
standpoint, we had already done a desert theme and a port theme so this time had to be in a completely different setting. Once we had the setting, we had to develop the storyline. The way this part works is that we develop the creative storyline and then work out the details with the Armed Forces representatives to ensure that whatever is being created and developed is also practical and – most importantly – safe for them to perform live. This relates to all aspects; personnel movement, vehicle movement, aircrafts, and so on. We have to remember that this show is performed entirely by the UAE military personnel with no professional actors, stuntmen or drivers.”
Right from the start, senior military representatives, ADNEC senior executives and IDEX senior officers and staff formed the Steering Committee for IDEX along with Protec, which ensured the whole process ran smoothly by working together as a team. This included brainstorming sessions, regular inspections and coordination with all the relevant authorities.
The show was watched by millions of television viewers via live TV broadcast and social media, as well as thousands of guests that watched from
the grandstand, which was packed to 5,000 capacity on each of the five show days.
The venue took Protec 55 days to build, ensuring all the elements that were used to build it up were properly set up and would take the wear and tear for the duration of the five shows, as well as the three weeks of training and rehearsals.
After the show, Protec de-rigged the entire temporary venue and cleared the site completely in 13 days, and eventually handed back the site in exactly the same condition as it was received – an important client requirement. The complete production for the IDEX 2017 Opening Ceremony was, according to the client and event organisers IDEX, GHQ and ADNEC, the best they had seen and experienced in the exhibition’s history. Humaid Matar Al Dhaheri, Group CEO of ADNEC, had this to add: “For ADNEC and Abu Dhabi this was the most successful year ever in IDEX’s history. This year’s show has broken all records, including reaching more visitors than previous years. Working with Protec was a pleasure not only for myself, but for all my team, who mentioned that it was a delight to work with such a professional and well-structured organisation.

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