Page 31 - The CFIUS Book
P. 31

 2. gathering your Information, drafting and Submitting your notice
2.1. Gathering Your Information
2.1.1. Find the right person
CFIUS information collection is
largely an administrative task, so
some of that work can be done in-
house if a company prefers. However,
the challenge for both the target and
buyer companies will be to find the
right person within the company to
coordinate that collection. The in-house
person should be high enough within the company not to be ignored when s/he makes invasive requests for personal information from the C-suite and board members. At the same time, the person must have enough capacity to dedicate anywhere between 20 and 80 hours over the course of one or more weeks to a massive administrative project. That person must also have a clear and immediate line of communication with CFIUS counsel, so that s/he can ask questions or check in on progress. The task may be shared among several people in the company, but too many people may lead to inefficiencies, gaps, overlaps, or all three.
FInd a pErSOn Or TEam wITH THE aUTHOrITy TO rEqUEST InFOrmaTIOn FrOm aS HIgH Up aS THE BOardrOOm and THE C-SUITE, BUT wITH EnOUgH BandwIdTH TO managE a maJOr admInISTraTIvE lIFT.

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