Page 23 - Song Maps - A New System to Write Your Best Lyrics - Simon Hawkins
P. 23

Reason 4 - To prepare for co-writes
Co-writing has been one of the most wonderful surprises of my songwriting journey. I didn't realize when I first set out how critical it would become, not just to my development as a writer, but to the quality of songs I would write. I also didn't realize how many great friends I'd make along the way.
It wasn't always like this. At the very beginning, the whole idea of sharing my fragile ideas with another human being filled me with utter terror. In fact, when I first heard of co-writing, my immediate reaction was to try to figure out a way of getting out of it.
My first co-write was with someone who had never co-written before either, so we were both newbies, and we went on to write some great songs together. I still love those songs.
In my first ever co-write with a pro, we never actually wrote a word. At the time, he said it was fine. But from where I am today, I realize he was just being super kind. Thank you for that, my friend!
I remember once, early on in my co-writing, I was all churned up before a co-write with an amazing writer whom I'd looked up to for years. To make matters worse for my nerves, they'd just won a Dove Award the week before for their part in an incredible song. When they arrived, the first thing I did was congratulate them. And their response was,
"So this is when you find out I'm actually a fraud."
Which was their way of saying they felt almost as nervous and vulnerable writing with me as I was feeling writing with them. And this is typical of the grace, love and humility with which many of my co-writers approach co-writing. Without a doubt, the lessons I've learned about co-writing have been from some of the kindest, most wonderful people I could have hoped to meet in the music industry. Out of the many things they have passed on to me over the years, the one thing that stands out is:
It's about doing your best to be your best. But this is probably the subject of another book.
While I have been truly blessed with the people I write with, I have heard some horror stories.
One top Country writer told me one such story. She had been set up by her publisher to write with two iconic (male) Country writers on Music Row. It was a three-way co-write and she was the junior writer in the room. This is what we call "writing up."
Once the introductions were over, one of the two veteran writer dudes looked at her and said, "So what's in your hook book, Darlin'?"
Nervously, she opened her file (she was a paper person) and offered these two demigods her best idea. Before she was able to finish explaining the idea, the other guy said,

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