Page 14 - Richardson Shoulder Booklet
P. 14
Wear the sling at all times when at home, in public, and while sleeping. Your hand and ngers may swell signi cantly and appear bruised. While wearing the sling, move the ngers and wrist liberally to help decrease swelling. You may move the elbow while the shoulder brace pillow is in place. The surgeon will teach you speci c elbow range of motion exercises. Follow his instructions exactly.
Continue to use ice shoulder wrap as much as possible for pain.
Pain Ball OnQ
If a pain ball catheter is placed by anesthesia, you may remove when the ball is empty of medication, likely post-op day three. Anesthesia will instruct you. Simply pull steadily on tubing until it is completely out. Length of tube under skin is about two inches.
Remains in place until post-op day 3. Remove on day 3. It is very important to keep the incision clean and dry. Do not apply any antibiotic ointment such as Neosporin, Vitamin E, or essential oils to the incision.
May shower on post-op day 3. Incision does not have to be covered during the shower. After the shower, pat dry any moisture with a very clean, fresh washcloth. Do not soak in a tub, submerge the incision, or go swimming. (If staples are present you may cover incision with clean Band Aid to prevent staples from catching on clothing. But NO ointments like Neosporin, Vitamin E, essential oils, etc.)
Compression Stockings
Wear at all times (24 hours a day) for four weeks.
If present, incision staples will be removed at your post-op appointment.
Outpatient Physical Therapy
Will start approximately two weeks after your surgery. You will receive a physical therapy prescription at your post-op appointment.
Take exactly as prescribed. Remember that all narcotic pain medication must be hand written and cannot be called in. Please plan accordingly and give a 48-hour notice to the of ce for re lls.
Pain Medication
Take as prescribed. You cannot drive while taking your narcotic pain medications.