Page 8 - Richardson Shoulder Booklet
P. 8

 To be as comfortable as possible when coming to the hospital for surgery, we recommend bringing the following items:
Do not over pack, think “carry-on” not checked baggage.
Loose comfortable clothing: loose gym shorts, loose sweats or pajama bottom. Loose shirt that buttons or zips (short-sleeved).
Slip on shoes.
Toiletries, if desired.
 Eyeglasses/Dentures and a hard case for your glasses/dentures with your name written on it.
 Hearing aid and batteries and a case with your name on it.
CPAP machine, tubing, accessories-labeled with your name.
 Driver’s license or photo ID, insurance card, Medicare or Medicaid card
Copy of your Advanced Directives Important telephone numbers, include person
bringing you home.
 Do not bring valuables, such as jewelry, credit cards, checkbooks, or cash.
 Do not bring your own medications, unless instructed by the hospital pharmacy.
DO bring multi-dose inhalers (COPD/Asthma Inhalers).
Please label all personal items with  rst and last name
 8 Preparing for Shoulder Joint Replacement

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