Page 8 - Richardson Shoulder Booklet
P. 8
To be as comfortable as possible when coming to the hospital for surgery, we recommend bringing the following items:
Do not over pack, think “carry-on” not checked baggage.
Loose comfortable clothing: loose gym shorts, loose sweats or pajama bottom. Loose shirt that buttons or zips (short-sleeved).
Slip on shoes.
Toiletries, if desired.
Eyeglasses/Dentures and a hard case for your glasses/dentures with your name written on it.
Hearing aid and batteries and a case with your name on it.
CPAP machine, tubing, accessories-labeled with your name.
Driver’s license or photo ID, insurance card, Medicare or Medicaid card
Copy of your Advanced Directives Important telephone numbers, include person
bringing you home.
Do not bring valuables, such as jewelry, credit cards, checkbooks, or cash.
Do not bring your own medications, unless instructed by the hospital pharmacy.
DO bring multi-dose inhalers (COPD/Asthma Inhalers).
Please label all personal items with rst and last name
8 Preparing for Shoulder Joint Replacement