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Autoimmune diseases are recognized as a major health crisis in the United States. Many people come
to us from around the world because their doctors have performed every test and x-ray possible, often times being told that their tests look normal, and, yet, they aren’t any closer to feeling better. Our team takes great pride in helping patients with autoimmune diseases improve their lives. Acupuncture is also available at BMH to help ease pain, promote health, address disease-relates symptoms, and treat the root cause of health disorders.
David J. Bilstrom, MD
Director of the International Autoimmune Institute & Bingham Memorial Center for Functional Medicine
Quadruple board certified in Functional and Regenerative Medicine, Integrative Medicine, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and Medical Acupuncture.
He has extensive experience in Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine, Medical Acupuncture, Integrative Medicine, and Complementary and Alternative Medicines
International Autoimmune Institute & Bingham Memorial Center for Functional Medicine Bingham Specialty Plaza
326 Poplar Street
Blackfoot, ID 83221 P: (208) 782-2444 F: (208) 785-3115
Bradly K.L. Brown, PA-C
Bingham Specialty Plaza
326 Poplar Street Blackfoot, ID 83221 P: (208) 782-2444 F: (208) 785-3115