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Provocative Heavy Metal Test

               Submitted by the International Autoimmune Institute & Bingham Memorial Center for
               Functional Medicine

               Autoimmune disease is recognized as a major health crisis in the United States. Today, 50
               million Americans—80 percent of whom are women—suffer one or more autoimmune
               conditions. Thirty years ago, only one in 400 people developed an autoimmune disease. Today,
               one in 12 Americans—one in nine women—have an autoimmune disease. More women are
               diagnosed each year with an autoimmune disease than breast cancer and cardiovascular disease

               An autoimmune disease is a condition in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the
               body’s own tissue. Some of the more common conditions include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus,
               multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, type 1 diabetes, and ulcerative colitis or
               Crohn’s disease, but the National Institutes of Health estimates there are more than 100 types of
               autoimmune diseases.

               David J. Bilstrom, MD—the Director of the International Autoimmune Institute & Bingham
               Memorial Center for Functional Medicine—reveals the importance of proactive heavy metal
               tests to determine toxicity levels in patients with autoimmune diseases.

               Toxicity inside the body
               Many toxins enter the body from the outside. And every cell in the body makes toxic by-
               products of metabolism that must exit the body. Most toxins that are produced internally or come
               in from the outside have to leave through the gut. There are some toxins, though, that leave
               through breathing, urination, or perspiration, but most need to exit through the gut. For example,
               we need oxygen. A person doesn’t get very far without oxygen. It is crucial to survival but the
               toxic by-product of oxygen metabolism is carbon dioxide. The body has to remove carbon
               dioxide or else it will poison the body.

               “You have all these toxins that get produced that have to be eliminated from the body,” Dr.
               Bilstrom says. “When the gut is dysfunctional, or we do not have the nutrients we need to drive
               our detox pathways, we accumulate toxicity. With the accumulation of toxicity comes a big
               driver of autoimmune diseases.”

               What is a provocative heavy metal test?
               Many toxins are water-soluble and are removed through urination, but the fat soluble toxins
               invade fat stores and leech out slowly, which throws off the immune system. In order to test for
               these toxins they must be mobilized out of the fat stores.

               “With a provocative heavy metal test, we use a chelating agent that’s going to mobilize the
               toxins out of the fat stores and into the urine,” Dr. Bilstrom says. “There’s tens of thousands of
               environmental toxins that can get in and drive the body crazy that we can’t test for in the clinical
               setting, but we don’t need to. If you’re having a hard time getting rid of the heavy metals, you’re
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