Page 107 - Witness: Passing the Torch of Holocaust Memory to New Generations
P. 107

Her Last Words
“We arrived in Auschwitz
July 19, 1944. The minute we arrived [Dr. Josef ] Mengele was there.... And, they separated
us – and we didn’t want to
separate. They started kicking her. And I said, ‘Go, Mommy, I don’t want to see you suffer. Later on I’m going to see you.’ But I never saw her any more. And always, always I remember her last words to me, ‘Oh my dear, my glasses are in your pocket.’ I said, ‘Ok Mommy, I’m going to give you [them] back [later].’
“When I was back with the group of kids [on the March of the Living], we went to the museum in Auschwitz. We stepped into a room with glasses from the floor to the ceiling. I said, ‘I’m sure... my mother’s glasses are here, too.’”
—Eva Gelbman
A young March of the Living participant lights memorial candles at Auschwitz as Holocaust survivor Eva Gelbman remembers.

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