Page 39 - Witness: Passing the Torch of Holocaust Memory to New Generations
P. 39

 A student searches for an ancestral town at the Treblinka Memorial. The Memorial, suggestive of a cemetery, is a field of 17,000 jagged stones, 700 of which bear the names of Jewish communities in Poland obliterated during the Holocaust.
I want the trees to break and fall
The grass to wither and die
I want the sky to turn black as night
The sun to go and hide
I want the air to be heavy and thick
The birds to stop singing their song I want the stones to turn into people
To find out why humans went so wrong. —Daniella Weber,
March of the Living, 1992
All around me are stones, but I do not feel scared; I feel comforted, assured that what I’m doing is right. It is meant to stand as a message for the world. Atrocities are atrocities, no matter how many people were involved. We have come to remember. To mark it.
To show – that even though somebody
– many – attempted to do us in – still we have come back. We’ve come back to this place to show the world that harmful things cannot go unnoticed. It has been noticed and will be marked.
—Eliyanah Delicate, 16, March of the Living, 1990

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