Page 69 - Witness: Passing the Torch of Holocaust Memory to New Generations
P. 69
It Seems Like Yesterday
“I was born in Kraków, Poland. When the war started I was 13 years old. I came from an intact family – a set of parents,
two sisters, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. I am the only survivor – I lost my whole family. My children do not know what it is to have an uncle, cousin, or grandmother.
“I can still see my mother waving her hands toward me – it seems like yesterday. She was murdered at Crematorium #5 right here, on June 14, 1944. My wife...was in several concentration camps.... She could not be there today, but my granddaughter is wearing her uniform, and she is here
in honor of my wife.
“The March of the Living [is] teaching the children –
when we the survivors will be gone, they will be here to talk about the Holocaust.”
—Edward Mosberg
Holocaust survivor, Edward Mosberg, a native of Kraków, Poland, lights a memorial torch in Auschwitz-Birkenau on Holocaust Remembrance Day, during the 2016 March of the Living, together with his granddaughter, Jordana Karger.