Page 31 - CRF News 1Q 2018
P. 31

 Seven Ways to Slay the Nightmare
on Receivables Street and Rescue Cash Application
By: Robert Unger, Sr Director NACHA
Your sales are humming along, bills and invoices are being sent to customers and the payments are flowing back to your company, and there are a lot of payments.
In our research, large corporations ($500 million + annual revenue) receive an average of nearly 25,000 payments per month; midsize companies ($10-500 million) receive an average of more than 5,000 payments per month.
That’s good news. But, that’s also where the nightmare starts!
In another survey of mega-corporations that NACHA conducted in collaboration with the Credit Research Foundation (www.crfonline. org), more than half of the respondents reported that a paltry 0-20% of payments were processed automatically, where invoices closed automatically without manual intervention.
That’s a shockingly dismal rate for the 21st century, and means that a lot of credit, receivable and related financial professionals spend too much time manually matching payments to invoices. The burdensome labor adds costs to payment acceptance, slows cash flow, and can damage customer relations (“Why don’t you have a record of my payment?”).
For some, it’s easy enough to blame “bad” customers for creating this nightmare. After all, it’s the customers that send partial payments, provide incomplete remittance advice in formats that are difficult to automate, take deductions that may not be warranted, and otherwise complicate receivables operations.
But, the good news is that there are corporations taking control of payment receivables, with some reporting astounding auto cash rates between 80-100%.
Improving cash application and hit rates provides significant cost savings and efficiencies, and
is indicative of a high performing receivables process. The collaborative survey by NACHA and the Credit Research Foundation pinpoints
the 7 key differentiators between high and low performing organizations with respect to cash application rates.
Seven Ways to Slay the Receivables Nightmare and Rescue Cash Application
(what differentiates high from low performers)
1. Negotiate
High Performers: Specify or request ACH payments in credit and customer negotiations.
Low Performers: Let customers decide how to pay invoices.
2. Track payment metrics
High Performers: Develop and track measures to monitor payment acceptance costs, operational performance and customer profitability.
Low Performs: Do not track payment costs, and are not sure how payment receivables costs impact customer profitability.
3. Payment type
High Performers: Get paid via ACH.
Low Performers: Get paid by check. 4. Set receivables goals
High Performers: Define goals and provide appropriate resources. Increasing ACH payments is a common goal.
Low Performers: Do not set receivables goals.
5. Work with bank and vendor
High Performers: Receive remittance advice feeds directly from their banks or payment vendors, which can be automated.
Low Performers: Receive remittance via email and mail, which are difficult to automate.
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