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 Vaidyanathan, A (2004) Household water consumption in Chennai city: A sample survey, New Delhi: Centre For Science and Environment
 Vaidyanathan, A (2002) A Decade of reforms: Retrospect and prospect,
Lucknow: Giri Institute of Development Studies WP16804
 Vaidyanathan, A (2001) Trends in the costs of irrigation across different
states in India: The case of major and medium projects, Madras: Madras Institute of Development Studies
 Vaidyanathan, A (1995)The role of private sector in education in India: Current trends and new priorities, Trivandrum: Centre for Development
Studies UNDP Research Project WP12665
 Vaidyanathan, A (1986) Labour use in rural India: A study of spatial and
temporal variation, Madras: Madras Institute of Development Studies
 Vaidyanathan, A (1984) Structure of employment in Indian industry:
Some findings from Census data, Trivandrum: CDS
 Vaidyanathan, A (1984) Food consumption and the size of people: Some
Indian evidence, Trivandrum: CDS
 Vaidyanathan, A (1983) Water control institutions and agriculture: A
comparative perspective, Trivandrum: CDS
 Vaidyanathan, A (1983) On the validity of NSS consumption data,
Trivandrum: CDS
 Vaidyanathan, A (1982) Bovine sex and species ratios in India,
Trivandrum: Centre for Development Studies
 Vaidyanathan, A (1980) Growth and fluctuations in foodgrains yields per
hectare-A state-wise analysis, Trivandrum: Centre for Development Studies
 Vaidyanathan, A (1980) Influence of weather on crop yields: A Review of agro-meteorologists’ research, Trivandrum: CDS
 Vaidyanathan, A (1979)On analysing agricultural growth(Dr. Rajendra
Prasad Memorial lecture the 33rd Annual Conference of Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, Trichur), Trichur: Dr. Rajendra Prasad Memorial Lecture
 Vaidyanathan, A. (1979) A comment on questions in the sacred cow controversy, Trivandrum: Centre for Development Studies
 Vaidyanathan, A (1978) Labour use in Indian agriculture: An analysis based on farm management survey data, Trivandrum: CDS
 Vaidyanathan, A (1978) Irrigation and agricultural growth, Madras:
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