Page 1 - Failure to Triumph - Journey of A Student
P. 1


                                                                                                                                                                                  17 SSB (R)

                                               GTO OUTDOOR TASKS

               There are series of tests conducted. They are as follows:

                   1.  Progressive group task (PGT)
                   2.  Snake race
                   3.  Lecturette
                   4.  Half group task(HGT)

                   5.  Individual obstacles
                   6.  Command task
                   7.  Final Group Task (FGT)

                                             Snake race or Group Obstacle race

                     The senior most GTO explains the rules of the task and the nature of the
                       obstacles to all the groups.
                     A dummy snake is given to each group which they have to carry with
                       them all the time during the race.
                     The whole group is required to run together with the snake. Individual

                       running is prohibited.
                     The colour rule of the PGT also applies here. The snake should not touch
                       the ground and should be held by at least 3 group members when they
                       are on an obstacle.
                     Otherwise the whole group must hold the snake when approaching one
                       obstacle from another.
                     Each group is required to have a war cry for example  BHARAT MATA KI
                       JAY ,  Durga mata ki Jai etc.

                     The group must shout the war cry loudly in order to motivate its group
                       members and also to spook the rival group.
                     A penalty in the form of time is imposed by the GTO if the group is found
                       to break any rule.
                     The group which finishes first after bearing the time penalties (if any) is
                       declared the winner.
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