Page 1 - Failure to Triumph - Journey of A Student
P. 1
17 SSB (R)
There are series of tests conducted. They are as follows:
1. Progressive group task (PGT)
2. Snake race
3. Lecturette
4. Half group task(HGT)
5. Individual obstacles
6. Command task
7. Final Group Task (FGT)
Snake race or Group Obstacle race
The senior most GTO explains the rules of the task and the nature of the
obstacles to all the groups.
A dummy snake is given to each group which they have to carry with
them all the time during the race.
The whole group is required to run together with the snake. Individual
running is prohibited.
The colour rule of the PGT also applies here. The snake should not touch
the ground and should be held by at least 3 group members when they
are on an obstacle.
Otherwise the whole group must hold the snake when approaching one
obstacle from another.
Each group is required to have a war cry for example BHARAT MATA KI
JAY , Durga mata ki Jai etc.
The group must shout the war cry loudly in order to motivate its group
members and also to spook the rival group.
A penalty in the form of time is imposed by the GTO if the group is found
to break any rule.
The group which finishes first after bearing the time penalties (if any) is
declared the winner.