Page 18 - 2019 Annual Report United Way
P. 18

      Sterilite, the largest housewares company in North America, was founded in Fitchburg in 1939. It is currently headquartered in Townsend, MA, and has manufacturing plants throughout the country, all of which support their local United Way. LEADING THE CHARGE Our impact is great thanks to our community partners. Here we highlight some of our supporters who are leading the charge in strengthening our community. AN ENDURING PARTNERSHIP Sterilite Corporation Continues Momentum with a Steadfast Workplace Campaign More than 25 years ago, the Sterilite Corporation generously partnered with UWNCM to make lasting changes in the community by conducting a workplace campaign. Today, our partnership remains as strong as ever through their continued campaign as well as sponsorship and volunteer activities—creating opportunities for a stronger region. Sterilite, the largest housewares company in North America, believes that they have a responsibility to the community and has made it a priority to encourage their employees to get involved. For example, Sterilite kicks off their annual campaign at their headquarters with a presentation that includes an update from Sterilite Executive VP Steven Stone and a guest speaker from a local non-profit agency. It is followed by an impressive barbecue and raffle. Sterilite also sponsors the UWNCM Day of Caring and annual Thank You Event, and their Vice President of Finance, Keith Boissoneau, serves as Treasurer of the UWNCM Board of Directors. When asked why they continue to support the UWNCM campaign, Sterilite states, “We support the United Way because it is an effective way to fund a broad spectrum of programs in the communities where our employees work and live. “Our employees have been incredibly generous and supportive of the campaign over the years, demonstrating that they value the positive impact that the United Way has on their neighbors, friends, and families.”   

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