Page 13 - Trucking Wellness Annual Report 2016
P. 13
Number clients seen at HTA sites (Headcount)
Number of people attended Awareness Trainings at HTA sites Number of Truck drivers seen at HTA sites
Number of Sex Workers seen at HTA sites
Number of Men who have sex with men (MSM) seen at HTA sites Number of Male condoms distributed
Number of Female condoms distributed
STI treated new episode
STI partner treated - new
Male Urethritis Syndrome treated - new episode
HIV client pre-test counselled (excluding antenatal) - Female
HIV client pre-test counselled - Male
Client screened for TB (post HIV pre-test counselling)
HIV client tested (excluding antenatal) - Female
HIV client tested - Male
HIV test child 5-14 years
HIV test client 15 - 49 years
HIV test client 50 years and older (excl ANC)
HIV test client < 15 years
HIV test positive - new (excluding antenatal) - Female
HIV test positive - new - Male
HIV test positive child 5-14 years
HIV test positive client 15 - 49 years
HIV test positive client 50 years and older (excl ANC)
HIV test positive client < 15 years
Jan - 2016
2595 1761 1312 18
0 68935 1560 120
Feb - 2016
2780 3209 1771 44
0 143921 5009 179
Mar - 2016
2946 2871 1835 46
0 101577 1683 189
Apr - 2016
2992 3082 1847 53
0 132160 4269 139
May - 2016
2618 2424 1719 40
Jun - 2016
3218 3222 1967 39
0 81197 2070 224
Jul - 2016
2819 2760 1802 67
0 103302 3384 154
Aug - 2016
2942 3060 2289 50
2 106500 1920 156
Sept - 2016
2948 2636 1882 36
0 114836 2868 145
Oct - 2016
2817 2542 1777 39
0 125784 4678 173
Nov - 2016
3248 2396 2090 51
0 126187 2305 171
Dec - 2016
1517 1534 959 22 0 99574 2532 92
0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 9 45 70 481 701 521 771 44 69 485 701
0 0 0 0 0 0 54 50 129 56 53 70 697 770 1518 756 690 914 751 820 1647 812 743 984 54 50 129 56 53 70 697 777 1518 756 690 914
00 79 62 972 839 1051 901 79 62 972 839
0 0 54 63 831 678 885 742 54 63 831 678
0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 450 697 539 623 1416 674 640 828 898 770 765 615 73 72 104 95 229 138 103 155 153 130 120 127 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
4 23 0 0 0 0
5 5 32 26 0 0
0 28 0 3 0 0
4 9 35 72 0 0 30 62 6 19 9 0
8 7 28 36 0 0 27 39 9 4 0 0
5 7 37 44 0 0 36 42 5 9 1 0
8 6 5 38 42 26 0 0 0 39 40 28 7 8 3 0 0 0
Trucking Wellness Annual Report 2016