Page 266 - U.S. Harris 8/27/19
P. 266
What do you mean by lifetime guarantee?
What art files can I send in for quotations or orders?
Gemini guarantees all of its exterior products for life. This means
that should any Gemini produced product fade, break or contain any defect, we will refinish or replace the defective materials at no cost to you, as long as they are installed on their original location.
Neither seller nor manufacturer shall be liable for any injury, loss or damage, direct or consequential, arising out of the use of or the in- ability to use the product.
Keep in mind that all exterior letters will require some maintenance
to retain their original luster. All plastic and metal letters should be periodically cleaned with a good dish soap and water to remove any dirt or pollutants gathered from the environment. Should the face of a metal letter get scratched, the polyurethane coating can be revitalized using a good car wax.t
What is your return policy?
Most Gemini products are custom made to order for specific custom- ers. But as a service to you, we may offer a credit up to 50% of the original net price, up to $500. Should you need to return any goods that were ordered in error, canceled by the end user, or not needed. All you do is call for an RMA (Return Material Authorization) number, and return at least one half of the product, to the appropriate plant, as given to you when you call. You do pay the freight for the return.
Does Gemini’s Guarantee cover letters installed in harsh environments?
Yes. As stated in Gemini’s warranty statement—Gemini will replace or rework all Gemini exterior rated products that fail in the field, but not cover your costs of removal, reinstallation, or any subsequent work done on the sign mounting surface. Therefore, it is important to keep the sign’s environment in mind when selecting the material and finish of letters that will be placed there.
Gemini has a wide range of products that stretch from the most stable in UV and chemical resistance (Formed Letters, Anodized Aluminum, and Painted products) to the most susceptible to failure when placed in harsh environments (Polished Brass, Brushed Aluminum, and Lami- nated Letters).
Impact resistance is also an issue when examining the regular wear and tear that may be present on a sign. Letters made from acrylic are always more prone to breakage than those made from CAB (Formed Plastic, Minnesota Letters) or metal.
Despite our best aluminum alloys, powder coats, and finishing tech- niques—aluminum remains extremely reactive and will degrade when placed in an area with moderate UV exposure and harsh chemical or excessive moisture contact. The only way to ensure that aluminum letters do not corrode is to anodize the surface of the letter.
Gemini’s systems are IBM compatible. The best files to send us are Illustrator (.ai, .eps or .pdf), Corel (.cdr), Gerber (.plt), Flexi (.fs), or Signlab (.eps). We can also convert Mac EPS files.
Please be sure to convert to “curves” or “paths” before sending. Be sure to clearly identify your company name, phone number and refer- ence any quotation number you may have received. Large files (over 10MB) can be uploaded by going to and login to the Partner Portal.
How is catalog pricing calculated for multiple add charges?
Some products provide the option of selecting multiple features, that may require additional fees – such as painted acrylic letters that are drilled and tapped for a flush stud mount. When pricing any multiple add fees, always add the fee charges together, then multiply times that base letter price.
Ex: A 12” Acrylic Letter, 3/8”thick, painted with a flush stud mount. Base price is $26.30. Painted color fee is 30%. Flush stud fee is 15%. Pricing: $26.30 x 1.45 = $38.14 List
Note: By using our on-line catalog estimator, this math is done for you.
How will my order be delivered?
Most orders will ship via UPS ground, at our Guaranteed Ground freight rate (see pg. 266), unless otherwise requested by you.
You pay the freight, so it is your option to ship via air freight if you need your order sooner.
Many overnight, 2-day, and 3-days options are available. Larger letters over 30" may have to ship via truck freight. These orders may ship freight collect with a carrier of your choice.
Why does Gemini send an art approval drawing?
Everyone may interpret a drawing differently. To minimize the possi- bility of an incorrect interpretation that can result in delays and added costs, Gemini sends an art approval for your review on custom order requests.
Production on these orders will not begin until you have signed and returned this document agreeing the sizes, finish, mounting, layout (line length) and material is correct as you requested.
Art approval drawings will NOT be sent out for any request with stan- dard Gemini letter styles unless you specifically request one.