Page 2 - DR•I 4.7
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Half full glass, half empty glass - halfway there - come halfway......
some may think of it as a threshold.
July 1st - Canada Day here, in Canada. 4th of July in three days in the USA
Said I wouldn't go there. . . . wouldn't make any disparaging remarks. About them. About him.
I won't.
But - 125 days left. Or, 4 months and 2 days. 18 Saturdays.
Until the US election. A lot can happen in 125 days. A lot can happen in the 10 dozen days from next Monday until November 3rd.
Interesting, no? Of course it is.
Aston Martin • the mark of James Bond. THE, mark of automotive excellence.
And here they come again. But not automotively speaking.
Talk about c o o l ! Talk about super c o o l !