Page 1 - Bright Group Flip Book Sept 2018
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Do you want to grow your business?

                   Then come and join us for our free open

               breakfast meeting on the 27th of September

                       7am @ The Cheese & Grain, Frome. BA11 1BE

            Bright is a business networking group that promises to help your
                      business reach new heights - but with a difference.

            In a relaxed and informal environment, local businesses can build

           genuine relationships without the stuffy, corporate formalities. The
                results have been consistently excellent, with our members

                          enjoying a wider client base and an increase in
            profits. We meet every second and fourth Thursday of the month,

                     enjoying breakfast and listening to presentations and

                              discussing how to grow our businesses.

                                 If you would like to come and meet us in an

                             informal environment with other like minded local
                              business owners to discuss how networking can
                                help grow your business, contact us today to
                                   reserve your space on the details below.

                     / 01373 485011
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