Page 19 - The Format Factory Summer Slate 2020 - Demo
P. 19
Fact Ent
UFO Hunters
12 x 60’ HD / 4K ~ Air & Space / Digital / Paranormal / Fact Ent / Sci-fi / Science
In the UK there are over 150 UFO sightings per year but is sometimes as much as 750! The M.O.D has released all of the details pertaining to any UK based UFO sighting and these reports are the basis for our show. Set in a Top Secret Military Bunker, Drakelow Tunnels, and led by a duo with opposing views, one a scientist and one a UFO fanatic, this show aims to uncover the truth behind UFO sightings both in the UK and around the world by looking at all the evidence available.
Will science and reason be able to win over the passion of believing that aliens really are out there?
Under the Influence
10 x 44 4K / HD ~ Digital / Influencer / Human Interest / Fact Ent / Reality / Social
Instagram vs Reality. We know there’s a difference but what does it actually mean to be ‘An Influencer’. Under the Influence is led by Rachaele Hambleton, known online as Part-Time Working Mummy as she meets her other ‘influencer’ friends to see if they all encounter the same weird and wonderful experiences as well as the day to day struggles as she does and to see how they deal with them.
Wobbly Cats & Friends
6x30 4K / HD ~ Animals / Nature / Daytime / Factual / Digital / Early Peak / Fact Ent / Family / Reality
Wobbly Cats & Friends brings the ‘Awwww’ factor and introduces you to cats with delightful and individual personalities from around the UK that all live with different kitty disabilities. With input from their owners and vets we understand the medical conditions and how they are cared for.