Page 106 - North American & Caribbean Cruise Traveller
P. 106

Industry Insider:
North American & Caribbean Cruise Duty & Tax Free Retail 2015 PLANNED PURCHASES: ON-LAND PLANNING EXTENT
Three quarters of main items purchased on- land (i.e. the item the buyer considers to be their most important Duty / Tax Free purchase) were planned, leaving only a quarter of cruise travellers buying their main item on-land on impulse.
Although the high planning levels highlights the opportunity to drive on-land sales before passengers arrive in port, when in port there remains the opportunity to influence the majority of main purchases.
This is illustrated by our research showing that only around a third of those making a planned purchase on-land knew the exact product they wished to buy, i.e. the majority of those planning their main item purchase on-land do not have a specific product in mind.
Store operators and brands should therefore look to influence decision making through keen promotional activity and communicating potential alternatives to drive up-trading.
However, the high planning levels also illustrate a low level of impulse buying among main item purchases. Operators and brands should look to drive a greater level of impulsive behaviour through providing a differentiated product offering across various price points. Provide the conditions for impulse purchasing and maintain the sense that on-land shopping provides purchase opportunities unique compared to other travel retail stores.
Base: On-land planned main item buyers (153)
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