Page 2 - Sanger Herald 9-6-18 E-edition
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SANGER HERALD 2A THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2018 PoliceLogfor August27-September2
1500 block of Brehler – distur-
1600 block of James – field inter-
200 block of Academy – warrant
5th/Hawley – warrant arrest
August 30
There were 136 calls for service and 10 traffic citations were issued.
1800 block of Jensen – incident report (possible child abuse)
300 block of Bethel – incident report (possible child abuse)
500 block of Academy – incident report (possible brandishing of firearm)
2700 block Jensen – petty theft arrest
300 block of West – mental health report
800 block of L – vehicle reposses- sion
300 block of Bethel – general incident/use of social media to post photos
200 block of K – subject in pos- session of meth pipe arrest
Almond/J – gang field interview 10th/Hoag – robbery arrest 1300 block of P – injury hit &
run/vehicle vs. bicyclist
August 31
There were 190 calls for service, 19 traffic citations were issued
August 27
There were 128 calls for service, two traffic citations were issued and 16 patrol checks of Sanger Park.
1000 block of Bethel – violation of domestic violence restraining order
477 Academy (Sanger Park) – fe- male cited for smoking in the park 1900 block of Academy – mental
health call
477 Academy (Sanger Park) –
male cited for gambling in the park 477 Academy (Sanger Park) – fe-
male cited for smoking in the park 3000 block of Sterling – incident
report for a possible sex offense 2200 block of 3rd – disturbance
between two men
700 block of I – identity theft 2100 block 5th – field interview 900 block J– trespass arrest Hume/Tucker – gang injunction
violation arrest
1900 block Jensen – field inter-
August 28
There were 53 calls for service, five traffic citations were issued and there were 10 patrol checks of Sanger Park.
1600 block of 10th – vandalism
1800 block of Academy – check fraud
1100 block of Post – residential burglary
477 Academy (Sanger Park) – driving on a suspended license/ possession of drug paraphernalia arrest
1700 block of 7th – warrant ar- rest
2600 block of Jensen – stolen vehicle report
400 block of Academy – field interview (Sanger City Park)
1800 block of Catherine – domes- tic violence arrest
Annadale/Faller – field interview
800 block of Annadale – field interview
August 29
There were 118 calls for service, no traffic citations were issued
and 16 patrol checks were made in Sanger Park.
1800 block of Academy – recov- ery of a stolen vehicle
Bethel/Cherry – subject check
477 Academy (Sanger Park) – man cited for smoking
12th/Academy – subject check 1300 block of Annadale - subject
and there were 12 patrol checks in Sanger Park.
1000 block of Recreation - coun- ter report for harassment
Jensen/Greenwood - public in- toxication arrest
300 block of Bethel - theft of license plates
600 block of Eastwood - theft of license plates
1800 block of 7th - mental health evaluation
2200 block of Walton - stolen vehicle
400 block of Academy (Sanger Park) - city code violation
1700 block of 7th - found prop- erty report
1700 block of O - embezzled vehicle
1700 block of 7th - counter report
100 block of Academy - burglary arrests
9th/Academy – field interview
1100 block of Commerce – prior ADW reported at Selma Hospital
300 block of Bethel – missing person
September 1
There were 136 calls for service, 9 traffic citations were issued
and 13 patrol checks were done in Sanger Park.
2700 block of Jensen - traffic col- lision
1600 block of Lyon – identity theft
300 block of Academy – petty
Edgar/I – suspicious person
400 block of Academy – warrant
arrest at Sanger Park
1200 block of I – field interview 1900 block of Cherry – mental
health evaluation
7th/L – DUI arrest
9th/DeWitt – DUI arrest Bethel/Jensen – DUI arrest (ve-
hicle was located and stopped at the AM/PM)
September 2
There were 108 calls for service, eight traffic citations were issued and there were four patrol checks in Sanger Park.
500 block of I – vandalism to a residence
Bethel/Florence – non-injury two vehicle collision
200 block of K – disturbance settled by officers
400 block of O – out of control juvenile settled by officers
4th/Academy – warrant arrest
Academy/Jensen – warrant ar- rest
Academy/8th – narcotics/resist- ing arrest arrest
200 block of Fairbanks – mental health hold
Jensen/Chestnut – other agency assist/ DUI investigation
800 block of Edgar – domestic violence arrest
300 block of Bethel - vandalism
Continued from page 1A
Plan. The current city manager revised the 10- Year Plan that the previous and current city councils adopted. Then, his new plan included pay increases for all safety employ- ees from Measure S funds. Only with this transfer of Mea- sure S funds, would the city budget be balanced.
• At the February 2017 COC meeting the city manager asked if we thought pay increases for all public safety employees could be taken out of Measure S funds. We explained that the Supplement vs. Supplant clause would not allow us to do so.
• At the March 2, 2017 city council meeting, the council
was asked to provide funds from Measure S for across- the-board salary and benefits increases for three years for all public safety employees. Pay increases totaled 13% (5% starting 1/1/17 + 4% from 7/1/17 + 4% from 7/1/18) plus benefits in the city budget. The COC recommendations were overridden; the city council approved the motion.
Finding 4: No records of any outside audit of Measure S funds were provided since the Measure's inception in 2008.
Response 4: The COC agrees with Finding 4. In December 2016 the COC requested a compliance audit. To date the city has stalled a compliance audit:
• On March 16, 2017, the city council directed the current city manager to send RFP's for a compliance audit to a list of COC recommended CPA firms. On May 2, 2017 the COC approved a list of four CPA firms submitted by James Miser, CPA, for inclusion in the RFP. The city then selected a team to read RFP's from other firms not suggested by the COC; they chose the Brown Armstrong CPA firm.
• This prompted a COC member to contact all four COC recommended firms; they did not recall receiving an RFP from Sanger for a compliance audit from the original list of CP A firms, one firm definitely wanted to bid for this work but never received an RFP. The city insists that the firms were contacted.
• At the July 5, 2017 meeting COC requested to meet di- rectly with Brown Armstrong CPA. A special COC meeting was scheduled for July 27, 2017. At the special COC meet- ing, the city manager announced that Brown Armstrong CPAs were not available to attend. He reported informa- tion about CPA qualifications and operations. The city
In Loving Memory
Amparo Arenas
1-31-1921 — 8-24-2018
Amparo passed on Aug. 24, 2018
at the age of 97. Graveside services on Friday, Sept. 14, 2018
at 10am at Sanger Cemetery.
manager said the compliance audit would be handled through the Brown Armstrong CPA Bakersfield office.
In an effort to work with the city manager, the COC voted 3/2 to recommend the city council award the Measure S Compliance Audit to Brown Armstrong CPAs.
On August 21, 2017, the city and Brown, Armstrong CPAs entered into an agreement for a "Agreed Upon Procedures Report." In the agreement, Brown Armstrong wrote: "Be cause the agreed-upon procedures listed in the attached schedule do not constitute an examination or review, we will not express an opinion or conclusion on the city's com pliance with Measure S City Ordnance No. 1094 and re- lated subsequent city resolutions and city attorney opin- ions.
sider the $23,000 spent from the restricted public fund on "An Agreed Upon Procedures Report" as an attempt to avoid a compliance audit.
• Finally, on March 6, 2018, the COC recommended to the city council to contract with Brown Armstrong CPAs to perform additional procedures to render an opinion for a compliance audit. As of August 2018, no completed compli- ance audit has been published.
• Almost 18 months later, the city council ordered compli- ance audit is not completed. When will the city council ensure compliance with their March 16, 2017 order?
Finding 5: Across-the-board pay increases for public safety employees (police and fire) were funded out of Measure S in 2017, whether or not those public safety employees were hired under Measure S.
Response 5: The COC agrees with Finding 5. City staff justi- fies the benefits and raises for all safety personnel with the following: because all safety personnel use equipment and supplies funded by Measure S, then all raises for safety per- sonnel can also be funded by Measure S. The COC thinks this logic violates the supplement versus supplant concept and two legal opinions attached.
That the city council approved the expenditures does not make them legal. Prior to the current city manager, the ten- year expenditure plans listed salaries for specific Measure S funded personnel only. City attorney opinions in 2012 and 2013 could be interpreted to mean that past city funding out of Measure S may violate the supplement versus supplant requirements.
Finding 6: Not all legal opinions regarding use of Measure S funds to the Sanger City Council have been in writing.
Response 6: The COC agrees with Finding 6. Critical informa- tion from City Council meetings and COC meetings were
not included in meeting minutes. No copies of verbal legal opinions to the City Council were given to the COC. This po- tentially allowed the COC to act out of compliance.
• On October 2, 2017 at a city council meeting the city man- ager requested approval to destroy documents more than two years old; that includes eight years of Measure S re- lated records. The request was during an ongoing Brown Armstrong CPA Measure S Funds records review. The city council did not approve the city manager's request.
• On November 7, 2017 a Brown Armstrong CPA represen- tative attended the COC meeting to answer questions. He stated the firm was not asked to attend the special COC meeting or they would have attended. Their final report represents the information agreed upon and provided by the city. The CPA advised keeping files for seven years.
• At the November 7, 2017 meeting the city manager and finance director finally presented "An Agreed Upon Pro- cedures Report" which the city manager and finance direc- tor continue to erroneously call a "compliance audit." This audit attempted to cover the years from Measure S inception through fiscal year 2016; some city documents were missing. This "Agreed Upon Procedures Report" clearly states that it is not a compliance audit. This report does not meet the city council mandate for a compliance audit. This report includes a financial review of Measure
S revenue col1ection, amounts sent to the city, and city
spending for public safety. No compliance audit was done. • The COC did not accept the report as it was not a full com-
pliance audit, and the last two years of COC compliance
concerns were not addressed.
• The city manager continues to refer to the "Agreed Upon
Procedures Report" as a compliance audit. The COC con-
Jorge Infante
The holy rosary will be recited and a funeral mass will be celebrated for Mr. Jorge Luis Infante of Sanger at 10 a.m. on Sept. 7 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church on O Street in Sanger.
Wallin’s Sanger Funeral Home made the arrangements.
Virginia Stull
A chapel service for Mrs. Virginia Kathleen Stull of Sanger will be held at noon on Sept. 9 at Wallin’s Sanger Funeral Home.
Mrs. Stull, 71, died Aug. 28, 2018. She was a pharmacist for Phar-America.
She is survived by husband Bertram O. Stull of Sanger; sons Clark Wilson of Rancho Cucamonga, Clayton Wilson
of Virginia, Douglas Wilson of Colorado and Brian Stull of Reedley; daughter Cynthia Bercher of Brisbane; sister Sylvia Kelly of Palos Verdes Estate; and 11 grandchildren.
Visitation will be from 11 a.m. to noon on Sept. 9 at the funeral home.
Wallin’s Sanger Funeral Home made the arrangements.
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Mr. Infante, 65, died Aug. 24, 2018. He was a forklift driver.
He is survived by brothers Margarito and Pedro Infante of Texas, Refugio Infante Jr. Of Salinas and Jaime Mendoza of Modesto; sisters Maria De Jesus Romero of Sanger and Maria Elena Cardenas of Parlier; and nephews, nieces and cousins.
He was preceded in death by his parents Refugio and Refugia Infante; sister Florentina Gonzalez; and brothers Francisco and Juan Infante.
Petrita Mendoza
May 22, 1943 — August 11, 2018
The family would like to ex- press their great appreciation for the out pour of thoughts, prayers, support and flowers giv- en to us during the time of our loss. It gives us comfort in know- ing that she touched so many lives. A special Thank you to Art Mendoza and Gilda Lopez for all their time and help. She will be missed by all.
Sincerly, Elisa Cantu and the Mendoza family.
FD 502
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Wallin’s Sanger Funeral Home
Serving our families with integrity and compassion since 1964
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