Page 9 - Dinuba Sentinel 10-25-18 E-edition
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The Dinuba Sentinel
Patty and Kobus Harmse pose with Pastor Chuck Wilsey in Exeter, the halfway point of a 65-mile birthday journey.
A mile for every year
The three left Dinuba at about 8 a.m. and headed south on Road 80. After a rest stop in Visalia, they headed south on Akers to Whitendale and then Lovers Lane to Caldwell. From there they headed east to Exeter, which was the half way point.
The path was well calculated, as the odometer on Kobus’ bike read 32.5 miles at their Exeter rest stop. The return home completed the 65 miles.
According to Patty, because each mile represented a year of his life, Wilsey asked Kobus to tell him about his life as they rode along.
“It made the trip go quickly,” said Patty.
Kobus was born in South Africa. He met his wife, who is originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, while doing missionary work overseas. They were married in Greece and continued to do missionary work across the world. In 1991 their work brought them to Sultana, where they served for Gleanings for the Hungry. They’ve been here ever since.
The two settled in Dinuba in 1992, where he started Kobus Business Systems, a company that sells computers to restaurants.
Today Harmse still stays active in his missionary work. As part of Living Waters World Wide, he travels four to six times per year to Guatemala, where he helps install water filtration systems.
Community Thursday, October 25, 2018 | A9 Professionals inspire futures at OHS
Career Day at Orosi High School gives students a tast of career options
education financial advisor, fire fighter, police officer, probation officer, military personnel, and renewable energy. At noon, students met and obtained information from colleges and universities as well as the military and law enforcement.
A few of the guests were Orosi High alumni including Jose Benavides, Tulare County District Attorney criminal investigator and Erica Gonzalez, Tulare County Deputy District Attorney. Both have been attending the career day the past five years.
“It’s always a pleasure to come back to Orosi High School to talk to and inspire our county’s leaders of tomorrow,” stated Benavides.
Gonzalez stated, “Orosi will always be home for me. Although, I went out of the area for college, I’m really blessed to be able to come back and serve my community.”
Reedley College ag business instructor Sam Rodriguez says the Orosi Career Day is one of many the Ag and Natural Resources Department, but is
By Rick Curiel
United States Army Staff Sergeant Vargas speaks to a class at Career Day, held recenty on the campus of Orosi High School.
one of the top career days in the area.
“The Orosi High School Career Day is a fantastic opportunity for students to learn about careers and high education programs in their area. The Reedley College AGNR program is always eager to share the awesome certificates and degree options available in agriculture. Orosi’s event is one of the top career day’s in
the area with its combination of workshops and information booths.”
In closing, Vaca wanted to thank the presenters for spending time with the students.
“The OHS Career Day planning committee would like to thank the 90 plus professionals that took time out of their busy schedule to “Educate Minds and Inspire Futures.”
Most people look to slow down as they reach the age of 65. After all, it is considered the “official” age of retirement. As for Dinuba’s Kobus Harmse, however, slowing down was not an option.
Harmse picked up the pace and completed something he set his eyes on only a few months ago. For his 65th birthday he rode his bike 65 miles.
“About three months ago he told me, ‘I think I want to ride 65 miles for my 65th birthday’,” said Harmse’s wife Patty. “I told him, ‘Well, we better get training then.”
To prepare, Harmse had the right trainer. Patty is an experienced triathlete and, though both are comfortable on a bike, this would be their longest ride.
“We started with riding to Plaza Park (in Visalia) first,” said Patty of her husband’s training. “That’s about 32 miles.”
Though he turned 65 on Oct. 6, the two chose this past Saturday, Oct. 20, as the date for the ride. And it was the right day for the pair.
“We were grateful for the perfect weather and courteous traffic,” said Patty.
Joining them was their good friend Chuck Wilsey, who is the pastor of Wellsprings Church in Dinuba.
Orosi High School held its annual Career Day on Friday, October 12, welcoming professionals in a variety of fields who shared their educational backgrounds, work environments as well as other valuable information to help them get ahead in today’s ever- changing work force.
“We are proud of providing all of our students with an opportunity to learn about various careers as they continue on their quest to find their purpose here on earth,” said OHS principal Roberto Vaca.
A goal of the event is to encourage students to begin thinking about their future careers, what it takes to attain them, and the many career options that are available.
The event opened with a keynote speaker given by former Orosi alum Michael Alvarez.
Students then attended three sessions, choosing from occupations such as cosmetology, dentistry,
By George M. Villagrana
George M. Villagrana
Endorsed by Classi ed employees from COJUSD

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