Page 4 - Chiron Spring/Summer 2023
P. 4

by Colonel Mark Morrison QHVS, Chief Veterinary and Remount Officer
Iwrite my Foreword to this Spring
Edition of Chiron Calling knowing that it will go
to print only days before the
Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III. I am conscious too that you will be reading these pages in the weeks after that special, historic event, and that you may find it odd that there is so little reference to
it in this Edition. We have made a conscious decision to publish ahead and will, instead, use our autumn/ winter publication to commemorate this momentous occasion, along with the RAVC’s role in it. What I do wish to record now, however, is our best wishes and loyal support to His Majesty on the day itself and for his reign thereafter. I am also proud to write that the RAVC will be properly represented on the day. Our Colonel in Chief and Colonel Commandant will be on parade, as will a marching detachment of 27 serving RAVC soldiers and officers. Additionally, some 10 RAVC personnel will be providing veterinary cover to our mounted troops. Preparations and rehearsals are now well in train, and I hope and trust the day will prove an uplifting and successful one, with the RAVC acquitting themselves with distinction.
Whilst preparations for the Coronation have been a focus
for some over recent weeks, it
is just one example of a packed
and diverse programme of
activity that continues to see our serving personnel delivering at a consistently high tempo. You will get a sense of this from the excellent articles published in this edition. You will note, for example, that the 1st Military Working Dog Regiment has supported specialist search operations on Op NEWCOMBE
in Mali, aviation and amphibious exercises with 42 Commando on Op
ACHILLIAN, armoured exercises
on Ex IRON FIRE with the Royal Tank Regiment in Germany and counter terrorism operations within the UK. Whilst these represent
only the ‘tip of the iceberg’, they do give an excellent sense of what the Regiment is doing to ensure our dog capability evolves and remains relevant and ready to contribute
to the widest range of military operations. Indeed, this has played out even in the last few days, with the Regiment deploying dog teams to Sudan as part of the Joint Task Force supporting the evacuation of British Nationals.
capability staff, in tandem with Dstl, have re-invigorated RAVC involvement within international forums after a slow-down during the Covid era. The article from SSgt Davison on the NATO Counter- IED Panel is a great example
of the opportunities from such engagement.
Before closing, I would like to draw attention to a couple of our people. Firstly, to Major Sean Jones who has delivered an extraordinary contribution both in his military role but also in his support of the Corps, most recently as Chairman
of the RAVC Association. As the article later in the journal records, Sean has been awarded a Chief of the General Staff Commendation. An
entirely worthy recipient, Sean leaves the Army shortly.
I am sure you will join me in thanking him for everything he has done for the Corps and wishing him well for the future. Second, I note the fantastic achievement of
SSgt Lewis, who has been selected
to be Instructor at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. She is the first RAVC soldier to be appointed to such a prestigious post and her selection is a fine example of the quality of our people and the strength and reach of those within our Corps. Beyond these examples, I receive regular accounts and see plenty of evidence of individual endeavour that is making a difference to the life of our animals and the capability the Corps delivers. I remain endlessly impressed by, and grateful for, these contributions.
 The ability for the 1st Military Working Dog Regiment to contribute so effectively to Defence outputs reflects no less
hard work and
from those
RAVC personnel
within the firm
base. Alongside
the high quality
training and
support it
to provide,
the Defence
Animal Training
Regiment has introduced two new Army Apprenticeship programme (Level 4 Animal Trainer; Level 3 Farrier) over the last 6 months, and continues to evolve long-standing courses (articles in this edition from Sgt Brook and Cpl Broomhall give
a sense of this) and its veterinary and remount processes. Within the Army Headquarters, the 2-strong veterinary policy team has worked hard to integrate animal health and veterinary services into the new Health and Medical Operational Capability governance model,
as well as act as a conduit for an increased focus on One Health within MOD. Separately, veterinary
 “The ability for the 1st Military Working Dog Regiment to contribute so effectively to Defence outputs reflects no less hard work and innovation from those RAVC personnel operating within the firm base”
 2 / Chiron Calling

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