Page 17 - QARANC Vol 14 No 11 2015
P. 17
Every four months, QARANC personnel from across BFG come together at Church House, Lübbecke in order to promote friendships and esprit de corps.
Church House was a Former Hitler Youth Training Centre from 1938 to 1945, used to instruct and send his youth on a journey of world dominion. It is now a conference and training centre and has been a base for The Royal Army Chaplains Department from 1983 to present day.
It is an odd parody; the place where Adolf Hitler indoctrinated the youth of his nation to become future leaders has now become a place of hospitality and spirituality. It is available to all BFG personnel, who come irrespective of beliefs, to embrace a healthy balance between study, physical recreation and social relaxation.
On arrival at Church House everyone was allocated accommodation and had a familiarisation brief. We then had military and clinical updates from the Specialist Nurse Advisor PHC Maj Ricketts, an Occupational Health update from Maj McIntosh, a Mental
Cycling at the Möhnesee
Health update from Maj Blair and a presentation by the RHCA Lt Col Heywood on the attitudes of clinicians to the management of chronic Back Pain. The evening then consisted of a
dinner together, some fun taking part in an Archery competition and relaxing in the bar over a few drinks.
Following breakfast, it was a fun filled day of cycling around Lake Möhnesee which is best known for the 1943 Dam Buster raid. The main Dam heads the lake which is 7 km long and 1 km wide. On the night of the 16 and 17 May 1943, the Dam was breached by the Avro Lancaster Bombers of 617 Sqn of the Royal Air Force, the “Dam Busters”. There were a few minor mechanical issues with chains and gears and some not so mechanical sore bottoms; however, everyone made it around the route absorbing the scenery. The cycling was a great success and was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone.
Our latest study period was a great hit with everyone in attendance. These sessions are important to bring all the QARANC serving across Germany together to receive clinical updates, bond as a team and to take time out from work to re-set ready to return to our individual working environments within SSAFA or in the Medical Regiment. These study periods are very beneficial and will continue to take place until BFG closes.
Cpl Myra MacDonald
BFG Health Services
British Forces Germany Health Services
QARANC study period 7 & 8 July 15 at
Church House – Lübbecke
Left to Right = Cpl Teale, Lt Col Adam, Maj Ricketts, Lt Col LeQuelenec, Cpl Meikle, Cpl McDonald, Capt Watson, Cpl Kandi, Maj McIntosh