Page 7 - QARANC Vol 20 No 3 2023
P. 7

                                I do hope you all had a joyous festive season despite the cost- of-living crisis. Overall, given global problems, it was a time for self-reflection.
Conquering the cold has been something of a national effort: I thought back to the celebration of a 100 years since the registration of male nurses at the Royal Victoria Chapel in Netley. I forgot the old adage of dressing warmly for chapel. It was chilly, the side door was open. This produced an artic breeze. The door remained open as the security staff, caterers etc required constant access. By the time I had to deliver my presentation my hands were blue and I had the odd shiver. Thankfully presentation delivery fuels the internal fire, my shivers stopped but my hands remained with a blue tinge. My wife appears to have taken pity and soon presented me with a ‘onesie,’
yes, I now feel the cold easily. I must admit onesies are warm and comfortable around the house but do have to say that they do not go down well with the dog walking fashionistas!
Our President, Col Alison Farmer, has retired and we all wish her well; in time I am sure Alison will become a stalwart in the Scottish Branch giving the Highlands a notable voice. We welcome our new President, Col Paul Jackson, the Board looks forward to his leadership.
The Board of Trustees continues with its commendable work, despite the pressures all healthcare workers ensure they continue to perform developing and building a resilient Association. All charities are, now, reviewing expenditure as the global problems directly affect investments thus income. A sign of our resilience is the foresight we have had in managing our funds, we have continued our level of support to members – not reduced it. We keep a watchful eye on the horizon.
At our development day last October, the Board and the Central Office team
drew up a five-point plan of actions for the next financial year.
I wish to take this opportunity to thank the Branches: your work has been outstanding, you have navigated through one crisis after another, become stronger and help in giving our members the support they deserve. As with all Associations it is the commitment of the volunteers that provides the success.
Underpinning all our work is our central team, Sue, Alison, and welcome to our new office manager Emma Boyd – who has thrown herself wholeheartedly into the task. Sally, our treasurer and Steve the editor. All work as the oil in the engine!
Looking forward: the reunion will be in our old haunt in April. We all know how to get there – I hope to see you all there, it, in itself, will be a good celebration before the Coronation in May.
Thank you all for your caring and fulfilling our motto of Friendship.
Keep warm!
John Quinn
Chair, Board of Trustees
The Gazette QARANC Association 7
 ‘My wife took pity on me and has got me a onesie’
  Gazette takes shape amid the builders’ dust and rubble
 Welcome to your Spring Gazette. I’m pleased with how it’s turned out, given my present circumstances. You see, I’ve got the builders in and am in the process of transforming my loft into a living space. The idea is to give my teenage sons their own rooms so we can all enjoy some peace and quiet. I can but hope!
This means I’ve been compiling and editing the Spring issue amid the noise, chaos, dust, and disruption associated with the comings and goings of a procession of scaffolders, builders, plumbers, electricians, plasterers. Lots of dust and disruption but everyone tells me it’ll be worth it in the end, and I’m sure they are correct.
My advice to any readers thinking of taking the roof off their home though, is ‘don’t wait until the coldest months to do it!’
On to warmer matters, such as the contents of this edition. You’ll have heard from Col Paul Jackson, our new President and CNO(A), we’re in safe
hands, and we have updates from our two Colonels Commandant. Read on for Col Carol Kefford’s reaction to being awarded the OBE.
It’s great to hear about the overseas exercises and sporting events that our serving members get up to (please keep sharing your reports) and our Branches have been making up for lost time by organising reunions, excursions, talks and events. It’s all part of the Association’s goal of promoting friendship, and hopefully the articles will inspire you to get involved (or more involved) with your local branch.
I’m delighted to be able to bring you photos of our Colonel in Chief, HRH The Countess of Wessex at the centenary celebration for male nurses. There’s also interviews with para- athlete and former QA Mary Wilson, Aldershot Branch Chair Pat Gibson (both of whom have fascinating life stories).
I discovered via the Museum of Military Medicine that the Gazette
you hold in
your hands
is number
180. What
a long and
tradition, which
reminds me that my role as editor is to preserve all that is good about the Gazette and ensure it continues to evolve and improve.
So, you’ll notice some changes: we’ve switched to a less glossy, more recyclable paper, making the printing process quicker and more economical. We’re also making the Gazette available online for the first time. This means you will be able to revisit articles in years to come. Onwards and upwards! I look forward to your feedback and I hope you enjoy the edition.
Steve Bax
Gazette Editor (

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