Page 15 - Mercian – Year of 2019
P. 15
B (Malta) Company
For B (Malta) Company, 2019 started as 2018 finished: busy! It started with the company preparing to return to Oman
on Ex KHANJAR EDGE and is ending with us preparing for BATUS in 2020 and Op TORAL 12 to Afghanistan in 2021. Throughout the year the company has supported A Company with BCRs to Estonia and has had a steady flow of personnel deploying to Ukraine to support Op ORBITAL.
Summer brought with it a deployment
to Castlemartin where the focus was
on Platoon level dismounted ranges
and qualifying new Warrior gunners and conducting crew tests. In July, B Company demonstrated its armoured infantry excellence to the public as Salisbury hosted Armed Forces Day 2019. I hear the Warrior track marks are finally starting to disappear.
Urban Operations has been a theme throughout the year and in Oct 19 the company took to Copehill Down Village
on SPTA to conduct section and platoon level Battle Craft Syllabus (BCS) activity. This exercise was planned and delivered by the JNCOs who have attended an Urban Operations Instructors Course over the
last 12 months. Now that the Battalion has its own Inflatable Wall Training System
Making new friends on Ex KHANJAR EDGE / Oman / Feb 19
(IWTS) we will be able to conduct more of this training in camp as we prepare for Op TORAL 12.
This year saw many changes in key personalities. Within the Officers’ Mess,
July saw us welcome back Lts Connor and Olive after completing AIPCC, and welcome Lt Cockle who joined us from 2 MERCIAN. The OC changed in Aug 19 with Maj Brown heading off to Army HQ in Andover and
Maj Odell returning to regimental duty
after 6 years at staff. Lt Cockle has since moved on to become Coy 2IC, Dragon Coy. 2Lt Hodgeson completed his Gap Year Commission and we wish him all the best for the future. Within the Warrant Officers’ and Sergeants’ Mess there were also several changes. We said goodbye to WO2 Howdle and welcomed WO2 Macphearson
as the new Warrior Sergeant Major. Sgt Mills left to become a PSI in 4 MERCIAN, Sgt Tomlinson to ATR Winchester, Sgt Wilson
to 1 YORKS after a stint on the BCIP 5.6 uplift team and Sgt Rai has recently left us to become LCpl Rai on transfer to become an aviation technician in the REME. We wish everyone who has served with the Humble Professionals all the best for the future.
B Company on parade for Armed Forces Day / Salisbury / Jul 19
Company Overview:
Coy 2IC: CSM: WSM:
Maj Brown & Maj Odell Capt Dyson
WO2 Fowles
WO2 Howdle &
WO2 Macpherson CSgt Cornbill CSgt Goodwin
B Coy 1 MERCIAN on Ex KHANJAR EDGE / Oman / Feb 19