Page 109 - BHTA 100 years
P. 109

Mike Sawers
A three year challenge to  ght proposed changes in the Drug Tariff Part 1X which would have affected development and innovation of product and service provision was a huge achievement for BHTA.
The Initial Consultation eventually developed into 5 Consultations and three extension periods and lasted for 3 years  ve months, outlasting four responsible Health Ministers in the Labour Government at the time and three Heads of the DoH Commercial Directorate. The fees for the DoH consultants amounted to £3.7m.
There were countless meetings between BHTA, Deloitte, the DoH consultants and the DoH and BHTA hired PR and lobbying organisations. The PIP’s Forum (Patients, Industry, Professionals) was also created and was ultimately referenced by DOH. Some 26,000 letters of concern were sent by patients to their local MP and Health Minister.
Invitations and visits were arranged for DoH of cials to DACs to ‘see the service we provide’, which enhanced and improved the reputation of DACs.
Ian Sherwood
Between 1979 and 1997 the Association’s strength grew suf ciently for it to survive the loss of the partner organisations with which it had occupied premises and employed people. It also survived several threats to its own continuity, brought about by an inevitable competition for membership with other organisations within the health care sector and by the approach of the Government Departments at the time. The Association was never during those years the most favoured of the health care sector’s representative organisations, and never the recipient of Government support, philosophical or  nancial. Despite that, or perhaps because of it, not only did it survive a number of threats but it grew stronger in the wake of each one.

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