Page 14 - BHTA 100 years
P. 14

The Association took on an important role early on in its existence, becoming the sole rationing authority for the trade for raw materials. One of the advantages of the role was that instead of having to send requisitions to the Ministry of Munitions, they were able to send them to the Main Section Committee where Association members felt that they were dealt with more sympathetically by ‘gentlemen who know the needs of the trade’.
During the war years, the Association had a very clear policy for members, which was ‘to work for British interests and to avoid all business with  rms having enemy alien connections’. There were strong words in the minutes of the  rst AGM relating to the employment of men of ‘enemy birth’ with the direction that no-one other than British subjects should be employed within the industry.
There’s no doubt that the new Association organised itself quickly and very effectively. The Chairman commented on the ‘high degree of organisation it has achieved within a short period of twelve months, at a time when we have all been overwhelmed with work owing to the dif culties of the times’. The Association was described by another member as a ‘very thriving youngster’.
After 12 months, the Association had 15 members in the main section and 70 members in the sub-sections. There were 3 new members due to be elected very shortly according to a report from Treasurer Arnold. He told the  rst AGM that subscriptions would have to be increased to meet the ‘heavier expenses’ that the Association were facing. A clerk for the Chairman was one of the priorities.
In the  rst 12 months, the Association generated over £226 in subscriptions. Af liation to the NUM cost £75 while 15 Shillings was spent on advertising, just over £8 on postage and nearly £2 on travel expenses. At the end of the  rst year, the Association had a balance of £45 in the bank.
Concluding the  rst AGM the Chairman mentioned ‘an emblem’ that had been designed and which would be used to identify members. He commented: “I hope, as the years go on, we shall be able to say, this  rm is a member of the Association; I know their work is good.”
BHTA 100 years

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