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12 members of BSTA attended the ‘Access Men of the Year’ luncheon where Rt Hon Norman Tebbit MP gave the opening address.
A new degree course in Orthotics and Prosthetics was announced, to run at Salford University from September 1992.
Secretary of State for Social Services, Peter Lilley, announced extra cash for Motability, doubling the funds available to £2m.
An Audit Commission report said that if all Health Authorities used their beds as ef ciently as the best performing 25%, then 27,000 of the 123,000 beds currently available would no longer be needed.
Sunrise Medical announced sponsorship of the 1996 Paralympics in Atlanta.
A further 99 NHS Trusts were announced, to become operational in April 1994.
A scheme to provide 1300 indoor/outdoor powered wheelchairs in Scotland attracted strong criticism as less than 100
were allocated in the  rst year.
BSTA organised a joint workshop with the Medical Devices Agency (MDA) following the launch of Guidelines for Class 1 Medical Devices.
A new Washer Disinfectors section was set up in BSTA.
The Queen opened the Mobility Roadshow at Crowthorne.
A two day intensive training session was being offered by Keele University on the subject of Bar Coding.
After 30 years in existence, The Kings Fund Bed speci cation was re-visited.
“Memories from...Ray Hodgkinson
I was asked to step in during
a period of some uncertainty
when it’s fair to say the Association had maybe lost it’s a way a little. Many of
the businesses at that time were owned by individuals and clearly had a vested interest in working together but they
were maybe a little inward looking too
and it was very much about how they could survive and not looking outward
to the marketplace and realising that it was all about patients and customers. I spent quite a lot of time chasing around the country in an attempt to bring mo”re members into the Association.
BHTA 100 years

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