Page 102 - Bugle Autumn 2014
P. 102
Battalion Headquarters
CO Lt Col N R Holmes MBE
2iC Maj D M Maxwell-Batten
TM AMaj W J A Hignett MC
Adjutant Capt R T M Atherden
RAO Maj G Vosper AGC(SPS)
Training Officer Maj J Penhale
Ops Officer Capt O J W Lippiett
IO Lt W Pascoe
RCMO Capt W J Kelsall
RCMO (R) Capt K Tarry
ROSO Capt C Gillespie QGM*
RSM WO1 (RSM) G Hales then WO1 (RSM) C Stevens
RAWO WO2 S Matthews AGC(SPS) ROSWO WO2 S Barnes
Trg WO WO2 D Cox then WO2 D Burge
Trg WO (R) WO2 D James
A Company (Gloucester and Bristol)
OC Maj M Laverick
2IC Capt R Kelly then Capt O Bevan PSAO Capt C Stevens then Capt J Mantle Pl Comd 2Lt P Dunford
CSM WO2 S Phillips
QPSI CSjt S Pepper
PSI Sjt D Field the Sjt J Manu
C Company (Dorchester and Poole) OC Maj R Stewart
2IC Capt N Taylor
PSAO Capt P Cobbold
Pl Comd Capt S Longman Pl Comd Capt T Hood
Pl Comd Lt A Marson CSM WO2 S Groves
SPSI WO2 J Mason QPSI CSjt B Towers PSI Sjt D Ward
D Company (Truro and Plymouth) OC Maj S Freer
2IC Capt M Salisbury
PSAO Capt D Simmons
Pl Comd Capt T Spaughton Pl Comd 2Lt A Banfield
Pl Comd 2Lt G Tin
CSM WO2 K Peart
SPSI WO2 Morris
PSI Sjt P Nancollis then Sjt D Penk
E Company (Shrewsbury and Hereford) OC Maj J Nicholls
2IC Maj T Freeman
PSAO Capt K Mahoney MBE
Pl Comd Capt G Kaye
Pl Comd Capt A Edwards QPSI CSjt D Winter
SPSI WO2 D Villis
PSI CSjt Smith
HQ Company (Exeter)
OC Capt D Salisbury
QM Maj R Jones
QM (R) Capt S Warren RMO Capt E Evans RAMC RSO Capt S Watmore
OC 4 Pl 2LT E Wensley
SHE Adv Capt D Gilbert
OC RRMT Maj T Smith RQMS WO2 D Morrissey RQMS (R) WO2 D Whitmarsh CSM WO2 A Holder
MTWO WO2 P Lewis RRMT WO WO2 T Smith MTWO (R) CSjt Palmer Signals PSI CSjt Elder PSI Sjt J Clymow
Salamanca Band and Bugles (Exeter) Band Serjeant Major WO2 (BSM) S Davies Band PSI WO2 C Bray
Bugle Maj Sjt A Gate
CO’s Foreword
Like others, the 6th Battalion has enjoyed another immensely diverse, exciting and hugely rewarding year which has flashed past in the blink of an eye. Writing this foreword mid way through my handover
to Lt Col Tom Harper MBE has however given me an opportunity to reflect on quite how far the Army Reserve has come over the past few years. Both in name and character the TA is now confined to history and while it was a rich history, reservists
are very definitely facing a new and exciting future. Whether it be new equipment, terms of service, opportunities for foreign travel
or any number of other development the transformation has been remarkable and looks set to continue at pace. As I hope these pages demonstrate, the 6th Battalion have been right at the forefront of that change within the Army as it transforms into an integrated force and re-orientates after 10 years fighting counter insurgency campaigns.
We of course continue to support operations in Afghanistan and have welcomed back a cohort who deployed with both 2 RANGLIAN and 3 MERCIAN and while we still have a few individual reinforcements deployed, our commitment to that campaign is nearing an end. This has given us a chance to take stock of
our commitment and it is staggering to note that over 450 reservists have been mobilised from this Battalion or its forbears over the past 10 years.
The Commanding Officer, Lt Col Nev Holmes MBE
adaptive environment working alongside our partners in 1 RIFLES with whom we have continued to build on and formalise our existing strong links. Perhaps the highlight of this training progression was the deployment to Cyprus where 150 Riflemen from 1 and 6 RIFLES deployed to conduct an arduous company level exercise. The progress made over 2 short weeks was
The increasing interest in UK operations has been welcome as most genuinely want to help out and building on the success of
Our training has been focussed on developing collective capability in an adaptive environment
quite remarkable and gives confidence that the trust being placed in the Army Reserves is truly warranted. As Riflemen, we clearly pride ourselves on our marksmanship and enjoyed an excellent
the Company that
mobilised for the
Olympics, we have just mobilised another cohort to support the Commonwealth games. Much as they did during the recent floods, Riflemen across the South West and West Midlands stand ready to assist in any way they can.
Our training has been focussed on developing collective capability in an
skill at arms meeting supported by over 170 reservists during which A Company came out on top but narrowly missed out on also becoming the Champion Company as this accolade went to D Company after scores were combined with results from the Battalion Festival of Sports. This did however prove a good platform to go onto