Page 119 - Bugle Autumn 2014
P. 119
The Padre, Capt Gary Birch delivering the Field Service Ex LION STAR.
Padre’s Perspective
I’ve been Padre for only one year, but have already found that being an Army Reserve Chaplain is very fulfilling, both personally and professionally. Personally, it gives me great opportunities to travel, try new sports and activities and learn new skills. Professionally, leading a field service in Cyprus on Ex LION STAR was a first for me. Although there are some issues that soldiers face which are very specific to military life, there are many challenges that are common to all, so being that a confidential listening ear and occasional helping hand is just as important amongst Reservists as anywhere else.
Another experience that stands out for me was our WW1 Battlefield Tour to Ypres, Belgium. 50 of us visited numerous battle sites, museums and graves, and I was privileged to lead a number of short remembrances to our fallen heroes. In a year where we end operations in Afghanistan, commemorate 70 years since D-Day and 100 years since the beginning of WW1, we’ve a lot to give thanks for and to remember. As we do so, here’s a short poem I wrote while on the Battlefield Tour.
Who were the men who give their all, That we might live our lives though small and insignificant we may feel, Their sacrifice for us was real.
Who were the men who fell in field, Left to die in mud and yield their lives for sake of freedoms fight, To turn the darkness into light.
Who were the men who fought the foe, Who sacrificed their very lives so when at last their war would cease,
It would buy for us the gift of peace.
Whoever they were we stand to remember them, Giving thanks to God for honourable men who fought for us, so swift and bold,
Even though they grow not old.
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