Page 223 - Bugle Autumn 2014
P. 223
British Garden
of Peace attended by Lord Astor, US of
S for Defence, and a subsequent dinner which, sadly, he had to miss in order to return “Swiftly” to the Pegasus Memorial Museum in order to greet the Rt Hon David Cameron, The Prime Minister, who attended the “Midnight Vigil” – a well supported
event on the glider landing site that ended with, firstly, a symbolic
crossing of the Bridge
by the Buglers of 1st
and 4th Battalions
commanded by 2Lt
Tom Jameson and,
secondly, a firework
display which closed
both the event and
the first day’s commemorations though
not before the Prime Minister, accepting
the invitation of the Mayor of Bénouville, addressed the large crowd.
The 6th June saw 4RIFLES involved with, initially, the RBL Service of Remembrance in BAYEUX Cathedral attended by, inter alia, HRH The Prince of Wales, then at the first British National ceremony in BAYEUX Cemetery attended by both HM The Queen and HRH The Prince of Wales. The platoon
Bust of Major John Howard OC B Coy Ox&BucksLI
moved “swiftly” to
ARROMANCHES where it was involved in the second National and closing ceremony of Normandy 70 which was attended by HRH Prince William, The Duke and the Duchess of Cambridge.
Meanwhile over the cliffs in ASNELLES at an extra and purely
GOLD Beach today
The Riflemen were well received by both the Mayor and the citizens
RIFLES serial, 1RIFLES supported civic ceremonies recognising those who landed on GOLD Beach and, in particular, 1DORSETS and 2DEVONS. This meant marching from
site to site around the village through three ceremonies before a most welcome civic reception. The Riflemen were well received by both the Mayor and the citizens and a relationship that could grow was born.
The RIFLES and National involvement commemorating D Day ended that
evening but a month later, Jeff Matthews represented 4th & 5th WILTS actions on Hill 112 (see ‘Antecedents’ below)
Lt Brown briefs Riflemen on Asnelles ceremonies
Sjt Felix controls Pegasus Bridge