Page 5 - 4RA Regimental Journal 2019-2020
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This journal serves to capture the achievements of 4th Regiment RA over the period of 2019 – 2021. On an almost unending basis our people have deployed to all corners of the globe in every conceivable role; be it, mentor- ing local forces, supporting Defence level training outputs or even as small teams or individuals on operations. It has been a busy time for the officers, soldiers and families of 4th Regiment RA and they have risen to every challenge with the character and professionalism you would expect.
Along with the rest of the country 4th Regiment RA have been impacted by the COVID pandemic in many unexpected ways. I am pleased to report that the Regi- ment provided valuable support to our Regional Brigade during Government’s response to the COVID pandemic mean- ing the ‘can do’ character the Regiment is renowned for has been put through its paces.
The Regiment are as focussed, profes- sional and cohesive today as at any time
in its diverse history. Complimenting the physical and conceptual components of fighting power is our strong sense of iden- tity underpinned by a genuine pride to have such strong links with the North East of England. The Regiment today contin- ues to display a strength of character that is intrinsically linked with a war fighting capability befitting the Regiment’s reputa- tion as the “Fighting Fourth”.
Our current cohort of soldiers are pro- fessionally competent, physically robust, innovative, inquiring and prepared to constructively challenge the norms; they are an inspiring cohort whom I am privi- leged to lead. As we progress forward, we will remain ready to fight and win as the Army’s principal Light Brigade Close Sup- port Artillery and Joint Fires Integrators as we continue to support the Joint Expedi- tionary Force Light Brigade. We are look- ing forward to a busy years training which will once more take us all over the globe.
Finally, I would like to offer my best wishes for the future to my predecessor, Lieuten-
ant Colonel Chris Hakes RA as he moves onto pastures new; and of course, to the soldiers, without whom the Fighting Fourth would be nothing.
4th Regiment Royal Artillery
Commanding Officer’s
Foreword Lieutenant Colonel ME Brocklesby RA
Regimental Sergeant Major’s
After just over a year of COVID-19, a virus that shook the world, I took up post as Regimental Sergeant Major in April 2021. It was clear from the start that the Fighting Fourth had not rested on their laurels over the last two years.
2019 saw the Regiment deploy on OP TOSCA 30 with 250 soldiers and officers as part of the United Nations Peacekeep- ing Force in Cyprus. Following a brief return to gunnery on Ex SUNDERLAND DAGGER 20 the Regiment deployed on OP RESCRIPT as part of the COVID sup- port force. Initially working on Project Nightingale Hospital (Harrogate), followed by 250 Serving People deploying around the country as part of Military Testing Units and a deployment to Liverpool at short notice to conduct mass lateral flow testing. After two years in very different roles the Fighting Fourth family has con- sistently been driven with a can-do atti- tude and ensured that every task thrown their way has been successfully executed to the highest possible standard.
Looking ahead to 2021 – 2023 we are now in the process of re-focusing the Fight- ing Fourth on our core role in support of Light Brigades. Having cherry picked best practice from lessons learnt over the last couple of years, we now see a new Battle Rhythm that see’s the Regiment operate in a flexible, dynamic, relaxed but profes- sional manner whilst enabling mission command at all levels. Ensuring that our most valuable assets, our Soldiers and Officers once again re-roll back to their Close Support trade, doing the basics well in order to be ready at any given notice to deploy anywhere in the world.
Concurrently the Regiment is embrac- ing the Fighting Fourth family spirit, with COVID-19 slowly coming under control, we are bringing together our Serving personnel, their families and friends who provide us all with the immediate love and support that allows us to be the profes- sional Soldiers’ and Officers’ that we are. We are also reaching out to our veterans whom we have remained close ties with
throughout and look forward to marking the occasion of the Falkland Islands 40th anniversary in the professional military manner that we are accustomed to.
Warrant Officer Class One (RSM) Parker-Smith