Page 57 - 4RA Regimental Journal 2019-2020
P. 57
Asmall group of soldiers have par- ticipated in a charity event raising funds for Children with Cancer UK. On Wednesday the 28th April, the soldiers, from 88 Battery, took part in the 4x4x48 Challenge, a rigorous exercise which includes running four miles every four hours for 48 hours. Those who could not run, due to pre-existing injuries, contrib- uted by cycling over ten miles each run- ning session. The event is known as the “Goggins Challenge” and is inspired an Ex US Navy SEAL and ultra distance runner.
The group are delighted to have raised £1,300 for the charity. Children with Can- cer UK is dedicated to raising money for research and providing care for children with cancer and their families.
The soldiers persisted through varying weather conditions including heavy down- pours through the night and unusually warm conditions during the days, all which tested their abilities and their commitment to the challenge. Sgt Findlay, who organ- ised and led the event, told of the strug- gles the soldiers faced “the team worked really hard to maintain morale and over- come the fatigue they all faced”. The total distance achieved by the team is 48 miles, just shy of a double marathon in two days. This distance alone would be enough to scare away most people but combined with the fatigue produced
by the steady rhythm of running and lack of sleep it becomes a much more daunting task.
Joining Sgt Findlay in this challenge was Lt Aaron Chapamn,SSgt Ficetola, Bdr Gilbert and LBdr Hodgson. Also joining in via cycling were Bdr Hollingsworth and LBdr Ross. These two cycled 10 miles in every four hour period instead of the run.
4th Regiment Royal Artillery 48 miles. 48 hours.
As could be expected the chal- lenge started easily enough. The team knew there was a long way to go and coming out of the gates hot would help no one. Committing to a slow and steady pace was the sur- est way that all of them would come through the challenge. Multiple guests joining in on the runs gave the team some variety as their route never changed. Particular high- lights include being joined
by the CO and 2IC.
However sensible the runners were though the miles still managed to build up, the fatigue began to sink in and the time off between runs seemed to shrink unrelentingly. The night time runs were a partocular drain on morale but neverthe- less they carried on. The final run began at 0800hrs and was well attended by other members of the Regiment. The pain of these final miles was obvious but every- one finished strong, greeted over the line by loud applause.
The team would like to thank all those that have donated to their cause and are con- fident that they will go on to raise further funds for additional charitable organisa- tions.